(a)   Water meter shutoff valve connections to the water service line must be flared, compression, or threaded fittings. Solder connections are not allowed.
   (b)   An approved shutoff valve is required on every individual line inside the structure before and after every water meter assembly to allow the water meter to be repaired or replaced.
   (c)   Water meter shutoff valve style shall be as follows:
      (1)   Shutoff valves 1 inch in diameter or less shall be a ball valve.
      (2)   Shutoff valves 1.5 inches in diameter shall be a full flow gate valve or ball valve.
      (3)   Shutoff valves 2 inches in diameter and larger shall be a full flow gate valve.
   (d)   Water meter shutoff valve installation orientation shall be as follows:
      (1)   The valve may be installed in either a vertical or horizontal orientation.
      (2)   The valve must be installed between 12 and 60 inches from the floor.
      (3)   The valve must be accessible for repair and maintenance.
      (4)   The valves shall face outward from walls or other equipment.
(Ord. 21-21, passed 2-16-2021)