A use shall be accessory to a building or premises that is customarily incidental and subordinate to any principal use allowed as a DD4 form.
   (a)    Permitted special. The following accessory uses include additional restrictions for each specific use listed below. A conditional use with standards within § 160.616 may be obtained when the standards for a permitted special accessory use cannot be obtained except for home occupations.
      (1)    Family day care.
         A.   A petition signed by 75% of property owners within 250 feet.
         B.   Adequate outdoor play area(s) protected by a four-foot barrier such as a fence, wall, berm, or hedge.
         C.   The zoning permit shall state that a health department license is required before the beginning of operation.
      (2)   Residential accessory buildings. No accessory buildings shall be constructed upon a lot until the construction of the main building has been actually commenced, and no accessory buildings shall be used unless the main building on the lot is also being used. Residential accessory buildings include, but are not limited to:
         A.   A noncommercial greenhouse that does not exceed in floor area 25% of the ground floor area on the main building.
         B.   A private residential garage used only for the housing of personal/passenger motor vehicles or recreational vehicles.
         C.   Vegetable or flower garden.
         D.   Enclosures necessary for the raising and keeping of small animals and fowl shall be set back a minimum of 25 feet from any dwelling on an adjacent lot.
         E.   Tennis court, swimming pool, garden house, pergola, ornamental gate, barbecue oven, fireplace, and similar uses customarily accessory to residential uses.
         F.   Locational standards for residential accessory buildings are in § 160.507.
      (3)    Home occupations. Home occupations are those secondary uses allowed on the premises in conjunction with the following:
         A.   The occupation must be conducted within a dwelling unit.
         B.   The occupation must be clearly incidental and secondary to the principal use of the dwelling for dwelling purposes.
         C.   Only members of the immediate family residing on the premises may be employed by or participate in the home occupation.
         D.   The entrance to the space devoted to such occupation must not have its own separate outside entrance.
         E.   There can be no evidence other than the nameplate referred to in F. below that will indicate from the exterior that the building is being utilized in part for any purpose other than that of a dwelling.
         F.   There is used no sign that is attached to the building other than a nameplate. The sign shall not be illuminated and shall not be more than one square foot in area.
         G.   Such occupations shall not require substantial internal or external alterations or involve construction features not customary in a dwelling.
         H.   No merchandise, including samples, can be sold on the premises.
         I.   The business will generate no more than four visits per day from clients or customers.
         J.   Materials that are combustible, toxic, or consist of any animal or vegetable matter cannot be stored on the premises.
         K.   Any process that will cause odor, dust, glare, noise, heat, or vibration which would have a negative effect on adjacent properties would not be allowed.
      (4)   Accessory dwelling units—detached.
         A.   Only one additional single-family dwelling unit is allowed and one of the units must be owner-occupied.
         B.   Additional off-street parking is required per §§ 160.550 et seq. (Parking, Loading, and Stacking Regulations) as an additional single-family dwelling.
         C.   The detached accessory dwelling units have the following standards:
            1.   The unit must not be any more than 40% of the square feet of main structure.
            2.   The unit is only allowed in the rear yard.
            3.   The unit must be at least ten feet from main dwelling.
            4.   The unit must maintain the same required yards as the main or principal building.
   (b)    Conditional use. The following accessory buildings or premises may be used with a DD4 form if a conditional use permit for such use has been obtained in conformance with the requirements of § 160.616:
      (1)    Bed and breakfast establishments.
(Ord. 9-13, passed 3-19-2013 ; Ord. 37-19, passed 4-2-2019)