It shall be unlawful for any person to injure, damage, deface, break, tamper with or otherwise harm any property, public or private, real or personal, not his or her own without the lawful consent of the owner.
(1957 Rev. Ords., §§ 9.901, 9.904, 9.909, 9.910, 9.912; 1992 Code, § 26-37) Penalty, see § 10.999
Statutory reference:
Intentional damage to property, see SDCL 22-34-1
No person owning or in control of any property shall allow upon any property any well, cistern, vault or other pit unless it is covered by a good, safe and substantial covering made of iron, lumber or other like material and securely fastened in a manner that the cover cannot be removed by children, provided that any person may have upon his or her premises a well, cistern, vault or other opening if such is completely enclosed by a high board fence or other substantial enclosure at least five feet high.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 9.905; 1992 Code, § 26-38) Penalty, see § 10.999
(a) For the purposes of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
GRAFFITI. Any writing, printing, marks, signs, symbols, figures, designs, inscriptions or other drawings which are scratched, scrawled, painted, drawn or otherwise placed on any exterior surface of a building, wall, fence, sidewalk, curb or other permanent structure on a public or private property which has the effect of defacing the property.
(b) No person shall intentionally place graffiti on any surface located on public or private property.
(c) No owner of any property may allow graffiti to be placed on any external surface on the owner’s property. The owner of any property shall remove there from graffiti which has been placed thereon.
(1992 Code, § 26-39) (Ord. 111-95, passed 9-5-1995) Penalty, see § 10.999
It shall be unlawful for any person to connect or disconnect or otherwise tamper with any service connection of any franchised cable television company without the expressed prior approval from a designated agent of the cable television company.
(1992 Code, § 26-41) (Ord. 20-76, passed 3-22-1976) Penalty, see § 10.999
Statutory reference:
Cable television offenses, see SDCL ch. 22-44
No person shall, without authorization by the building owner or occupant, climb upon any structure or enter upon the roof of any structure in the city.
(1992 Code, § 26-42) (Ord. 93-92, passed 10-26-1992) Penalty, see § 10.999