§ 124.005 TAXICAB RATES.
   (a)   Posted fare schedule. There must be a sign that is highly visible to the passenger(s) showing the actual rate of fare and minimum amount charged by the taxicab that is conspicuously displayed in the passenger compartments of the taxicab. The licensing specialist shall prescribe the format of the posted schedule.
   (b)   Receipt for payment of rates. If requested by the passenger, the driver shall provide a receipt containing date, business name, vehicle for hire license number, distance traveled, fare total, sales tax, and total payment.
   (c)   Overcharging. No person shall charge, or attempt to charge, a passenger of a taxicab a higher rate of fare than is specified on the posted fare schedule.
   (d)   Deceit as to direct route. No person owning or driving or operating a vehicle for hire shall deceive by trick or device any passenger who may ride in any such motor vehicle or who may desire to ride in any such motor vehicle as to his or her destination or the fare allowed under this section for such person, or shall convey such person or cause him or her to be conveyed to a place other than that directed by him or her, or in any other manner convey such person to the place directed by him or her except by the shortest and most direct route unless directed to take a different route by the passenger.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 8.712; 1992 Code, § 43-6) (Ord. 2637, passed 9-22-1969; Ord. 99-73, passed 11-19-1973; Ord. 68-75, passed 10-6-1975; Ord. 48-77, passed 6-27-1977; Ord. 120-78, passed 12-18-1978; Ord. 68-79, passed 7-23-1979; Ord. 90-80, passed 9-29-1980; Ord. 84-82, passed 8-9-1982; Ord. 138-84, passed 11-13-1984; Ord. 55-89, passed 6-12-1989; Ord. 96-91, passed 12-16-1991; Ord. 114-94, passed 12-19-1994; Ord. 2-97, passed 1-6-1997; Ord. 28-98, passed 3-2-1998; Ord. 17-00, passed 3-13-2000; Ord. 33-02, passed 5-6-2002; Ord. 142-07, passed 8-20-2007; Ord. 163-07, passed 10-15-2007; Ord. 67-09, passed 7-13-2009; Ord. 77-09, passed 9-8-2009; Ord. 24-14, passed 4-15-2014; Ord. 74-14, passed 10-14-2014; Ord. 108-23, passed 11-21-2023)