The owner of each vehicle for hire shall conduct thorough, periodic inspections of each vehicle. The inspections must be conducted at least once every three months or every 3,000 odometer miles, whichever occurs first. Periodic inspections shall be governed by the city’s vehicle for hire inspection form, which shall be available on the city website and the licensing specialist office. The owner shall keep the completed vehicle for hire inspection forms for up to 24 months for all vehicles regardless of ownership status, which shall be completed and signed. Falsification of the vehicle for hire inspection forms is prohibited and may result in suspension and/or revocation of license. The records shall be open to the city for inspection at the primary business location and subject vehicle. The city may inspect the vehicles at any time to determine compliance with applicable state and federal motor vehicle laws and standards.
(1992 Code, § 43-3) (Ord. 84-82, passed 8-9-1982; Ord. 137-98, passed 12-21-1998; Ord. 24-14, passed 4-15-2014; Ord. 108-15, passed 11-2-2015)