Upon an application for a naming or renaming of a park property, any person or body reviewing, providing a recommendation on, or disposing of such an application shall take into consideration the following criteria:
   (a)   In naming or renaming city park property, consideration shall be primarily given to the following purposes: to honor and commemorate noteworthy persons associated with the city; to celebrate local history, places, events, or culture; to strengthen neighborhood identity; or to recognize native wildlife, flora, fauna or natural features related to the community and the city.
   (b)   If an application is made to name or rename public park property after an individual, this person shall have:
      (1)   Demonstrated excellence of contributions to the city’s development, community service, personal sacrifice for public service or national defense, or efforts to foster equality among the citizens of the city; or
      (2)   Historical significance locally, nationally, or globally with significant local or regional ties or influence.
   (c)   In the case of naming or renaming a park or natural environmental feature after any person or organization, such naming or renaming may be considered when such person or organization has provided a significant contribution of lands, funds, goods, or services to the city, and/or parks and recreation department and/or to the city's approved third-party management company, where applicable and for the direct or indirect benefit of the city; or is being recognized for a significant foundation gift(s); or if the city council finds compelling reasons and strong public sentiment for doing so.
   (d)   Denial of an application may be appropriate if the city council finds that the proposed renaming fails to meet the criteria under this section, may bring disrepute upon the community for any reason, or would not be looked upon favorably by city residents.
(Ord. 22-13, passed 4-9-2013; Ord. 18-21, passed 2-9-2021)