   (A)   Responsibility for payment of costs. In all cases where it is necessary to extend the sewer mains to serve property within the town, the property owner who first requests the extension of the sewer shall pay all costs of material and labor necessary for surveys, excavation, laying of pipe, and joining the same from the then present end of the sewer main to where it shall properly serve the property owner.
   (B)   Costs filed with Clerk-Treasurer; collection. The costs of such extension shall then be filed with the Town Clerk-Treasurer, and thereafter as sewer taps are permitted at each intervening point of such extension, the town shall collect the pro rata share of the cost of such extension from each tap permittee, and such charge shall be collected and paid into the town treasury before a tap permit shall be issued; and the amount so collected, exclusive of the tap charge, shall be remitted to the property owner who originally paid for the extension.
(Prior Code, § 9-2A-6)
   (A)   Permit required. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, partnership, or corporation (hereinafter referred to as “person”) to make any connection to the town sewer system for usage of the sewer system outside of the town without first obtaining a permit to do so.
   (B)   Application for permit; fees and penalties.
      (1)   Application for the permit shall be made to the town through its Town Clerk-Treasurer. The permit shall be granted only after a determination by the Council that the town will have adequate sewer facilities to handle the sewage requirements of its citizens and to meet any prior contractual commitments to provide sewer service, including prior permits to provide sewer service outside of town limits.
      (2)   The application and permit shall include a specific use and include the amount of sewage that is approved for connection to the system.
      (3)   The fee for the permit and penalties for violation of this section shall be as set forth from time to time by resolution. The fees for the permit and penalties shall compensate the town for any additional burden upon the existing physical sewer system.
   (C)   Costs borne by consumer; use restricted; violations.
      (1)   Any costs incurred in extending any mains or modification of the physical sewer system, including treatment facilities, and increased maintenance shall be borne by the persons desiring to use the sewer outside of town limits.
      (2)   Any sewer connection approved by a permit pursuant to this section shall only be used by the permitted user and only for the specific amounts of sewage set forth in the permit.
      (3)   Violations of this section regarding user and amounts shall be a basis for penalty or revocation of the permit.
   (D)   Modification of town system. Nothing in this section shall require the town to modify the town’s system in order to supply sewer service outside of town limits.
   (E)   Application of regulations. All sewage use ordinances and regulations for sewer service in town shall be applicable to sewer service outside of town.
   (F)   Rates. 
      (1)   The rates for sewer service outside town limits shall be set from time to time by resolution of the Town Council.
      (2)   In the event a resolution is not passed specifically addressing sewer service outside town limits, then the rates shall be the same as for customers inside town limits.
(Prior Code, § 9-2A-7) (Ord. 367, passed 1-10-2013) Penalty, see § 9-2-7
§ 9-2B-1 PURPOSE.
   (A)   The purpose of this subchapter shall be to generate sufficient revenue to pay all costs for the operation and maintenance of the complete wastewater system. The costs shall be distributed to all users of the wastewater system in proportion to each user’s hydraulic contribution to the total loading of the treatment works for residential users contributing domestic strength waste defined in §§ 9-2B-3 and 9-2B-4.
   (B)   Users of the system with nonresidential high strength waste shall be assessed sewer service charges based on hydraulic, organic (BOD), and suspended solids loadings as stated in §§ 9-2B-3 and 9-2B-4.
(Prior Code, § 9-2B-1)
   (A)   The town, or its engineer, shall determine the total annual costs of operation and maintenance or the of sewerage system which are necessary to maintain the capacity and performance, during the service life of the treatment works, for which such works were designed and constructed.
   (B)   The total annual cost of operation and maintenance shall include but need not be limited to labor, repairs, equipment replacement, maintenance, necessary modifications, power, sampling, laboratory tests, and a reasonable contingency fund.
(Prior Code, § 9-2B-2)
   (A)   The town, or its engineer, shall determine average user’s average daily volume of wastewater, which has been discharged to the wastewater system, which shall then be divided by the average daily volume of all wastewater discharged to the wastewater system, to determine each user’s volume contribution percentage.
   (B)   The amount used as the total average daily volume of wastewater shall exclude infiltration and inflow. Residential users contributing domestic strength waste will be assessed charges based on hydraulic loading only.
(Prior Code, § 9-2B-3)
   (A)   The town, or its engineer, will determine the average suspended solids (SS) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) daily loadings for the average residential users. The town will assess a surcharge rate for all nonresidential users discharging wastes with BOD and SS strengths greater than the average residential user.
   (B)   Such users will be assessed a surcharge sufficient to cover the costs of treating such user’s above normal strength wastes. Normal strength domestic wastes are considered to be 180 ppm BOD and 240 ppm SS. The surcharge rate structure for such above normal strength waste dischargers is contained in Appendix A of Ord. 229, on file in the office of the Town Clerk-Treasurer.
(Prior Code, § 9-2B-4)