§ 9-2-7 PENALTIES.
   (A)   Notice of violation; remedial action. Any person found to be violating any provision of this chapter, except § 9-2-6, shall be served by the town with written notice stating the nature of the violation and providing a reasonable time limit for the satisfactory correction thereof. The offender shall, within the period of time stated in such notice, permanently cease all violations.
   (B)   Penalty imposed. Any person who shall continue any violation beyond the time limit provided for in division (A) above shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be subject to penalty as provided in § 1-4-1 for each violation. Each day in which any such violation shall continue shall be deemed a separate offense.
   (C)   Liability for damage. Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall become liable to the town for each expense, loss, or damage occasioned by the town by reason of such violation.
(Prior Code, § 9-2-7)
   No person, firm, copartnership, corporation, company, or association shall tap or make any connection with, nor shall any company or association be allowed to make any connection or tap with, a sewer main until there has first been issued a permit for the tapping of any sewer main, and until all fees have been paid in advance as may be established from time to time by the Mayor and Council.
(Prior Code, § 9-2A-1) Penalty, see § 9-2-7
   (A)   Application; approval. Every person, firm, copartnership, corporation, company, or association desiring to tap or make any connection with a sewer main of the sewer system of the town shall make application therefor to the Town Clerk-Treasurer upon forms to be provided therefor, and which shall be approved by the Building Inspector, who shall likewise designate the appropriate fee for such permit.
   (B)   Permit issuance; payment of fee. Upon approval thereof, the Clerk-Treasurer shall issue a tapping permit and collect the fee therefor in advance.
(Prior Code, § 9-2A-2)
§ 9-2A-3 LIST OF FEES.
   The fees to be charged for any permit issued to make any connection or tap of the sewer main shall be as follows:
   (A)   Residences. The fees shall be set by the Town Council from time to time.
   (B)   Apartment houses. The regular fee for a residential tap, plus 25% for each additional living unit after the first;
   (C)   Motels and hotels. The regular fee for a residential tap, plus 10% for each sleeping room constructed and maintained for rent, plus a regular residential fee for the bar and restaurant if components of the motel or hotel; and
   (D)   Commercial and industrial. By contract based upon demand and deteriorating effect of the use upon the facilities of the town.
(Prior Code, § 9-2A-3) (Ord. 2024-01, passed 4-4-2024)
   The fees charged by this chapter shall include only the privilege of making the connection with the sewer main, and all costs of material and labor in extending the sewer main or in connecting the service from the sewer main to the point of use shall be borne entirely by the permittee, who shall likewise be required to refill and re-tamp all excavations so as to be free from settling, and shall likewise resurface where necessary.
(Prior Code, § 9-2A-4)
   When any charge as established pursuant to this chapter shall remain unpaid after notice and the opportunity to contest billing, the water at such sewer tap shall be turned off of the property benefited by the repairs or replacements and shall not be turned on again until such charges are fully paid, together with a turnoff fee.
(Prior Code, § 9-2A-5) (Ord. 2024-01, passed 4-4-2024)