Garbage, Refuse and Vegetation
91.01 Definitions
91.02 Unlawful deposits of refuse
91.03 Removal of garbage and refuse
91.04 Receptacles; interference with contents
91.05 Landlords, tenants and storekeepers; duty
91.06 Tree limbs, cuttings and shrubbery
91.07 Empty cartons and the like to be flattened for pick-up service
91.08 Semi-annual weeding, tidying and the like of premises required; notice to comply; remedial action by Council; cost; lien
Weeds, Vegetation and Other Public Health Nuisances
91.20 Weeding and tidying premises required
91.21 Enforcement
91.22 Nuisances prohibited; enumeration
91.23 Nuisances abatement procedure