A.   No person shall operate an off-highway vehicle that does not have a current, valid off-highway vehicle permit issued by the Colorado Division of Parks and Wildlife and displayed as required by the Colorado Division of Parks and Wildlife unless the off- highway vehicle is not required to be registered or not required to be permitted under this chapter or Colorado law.
   B.   The following nonresident off-highway vehicles are exempt from the permit requirement:
      1.   Vehicles owned by the United States or another state or political subdivision thereof if such ownership is clearly displayed on such vehicles;
      2.   Vehicles operated in an organized competitive or noncompetitive event on publicly or privately owned or leased land; except that this exemption shall not apply unless the agency exercising jurisdiction over such land specifically authorizes the organized competitive or noncompetitive event.
   C.   The Town of Simla shall not require any Municipal permit for an off-highway vehicle. (Ord. 304, 9-14-2016, eff. retroactive to 9-1-2016)