(a) No water service connection shall be installed or maintained to any premises where actual or potential cross-connections to the public potable or consumer's water system may exist unless such actual or potential cross connections are abated or controlled to the satisfaction of the Water Utilities Superintendent/Service Director.
(b) No connection shall be installed or maintained whereby an auxiliary water supply may enter a public potable or consumer's water system unless such auxiliary water supply and the method of connection and use of such supply shall have been approved by the Water Utilities Superintendent/Service Director and by the Director of the Environmental Protection Agency as required by Ohio R.C. 6109.13.
(Ord. 68-1991. Passed 10-7-91.)
(a) The consumer's premises shall be open at all reasonable times to the Silver Lake Service Director for the conduction of surveys and investigations of water use practices within the consumer's premises to determine whether there are actual or potential cross-connections to the consumer's water system through which contaminants or pollutants could backflow or be back siphoned into the public potable water system.
(b) On request by the Village of Silver Lake Water Superintendent/Service Director the consumer shall furnish information on water use practices within the consumer's premises.
(c) It shall be the responsibility of the water consumer to conduct periodic surveys of water use practices on the consumer's premises to determine whether there are actual or potential cross-connections to the water consumer's or adjacent water consumer's water systems through which contaminants or pollutants could backflow into on-site water systems or the public potable water system. The water consumer shall be responsible for immediately notifying the Village of actual or potential cross-connections not being monitored by the Village.
(Ord. 68-1991. Passed 10-7-91.)
(a) An approved backflow prevention device shall be installed on each service line to a consumer's water system serving premises where in the judgment of the Water Utilities Superintendent/Service Director or the Director of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency or his duly authorized representative, actual or potential hazard to the potable water system exists.
(b) An approved backflow prevention device shall be installed on each service line to a consumer's water system serving premises where any of the following conditions exist:
(1) Premises having an auxiliary water supply, unless such auxiliary supply is accepted as an additional source by the Water Utilities Superintendent/Service Director and the source is approved by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.
(2) Premises on which any substance is handled in such a fashion as to create an actual or potential hazard to the public potable water system. This shall include fluids or waters originating from the public potable water system which are no longer under the sanitary control of the Water Utilities Superintendent/Service Director.
(3) Premises having internal cross-connections that, in the judgment of the Water Utilities Superintendent/Service Director, are not correctible, or have intricate plumbing arrangements, which make it impractical to determine at that time or in the future whether or not cross-connections exist.
(4) Premises where, because of security requirements or other prohibited restrictions, it is impossible or impractical to make a complete cross-connection survey.
(5) Premises having a repeated history of cross-connections being established or re-established.
(6) Others specified by the Water Utilities Superintendent/Service Director or the Director of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency or his duly authorized representative.
(c) An approved backflow prevention device shall be installed on each service line to a consumer's water system serving, but not necessarily limited to, the following types of facilities unless the Water Utilities Superintendent/Service Director or the Director of Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, or his duly authorized representative, determines that no actual or potential hazard to the public potable water system exists:
(1) Hospitals, mortuaries, clinics, nursing homes.
(2) Laboratories.
(3) Piers, docks, waterfront facilities.
(4) Sewage treatment plants, sewage pumping stations or storm water pumping stations.
(5) Food or beverage processing plants.
(6) Chemical plants.
(7) Metal plating industries.
(8) Petroleum processing or storage plants.
(9) Radioactive material processing plants or nuclear reactors.
(10) Car washes.
(11) Fire sprinkler systems.
(12) Lawn sprinkler systems.
(13) Swimming pools.
(14) Others specified by the Water Utilities Superintendent/Service Director or the Director of Ohio Environmental Protection Agency or his duly authorized representative.
(d) An approved backflow prevention device shall be installed at any point of connection between the public potable or consumer's water system and an auxiliary water system, unless such auxiliary system is accepted as an additional source by the Water Utilities Superintendent/Service Director and the source is approved by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.
(Ord. 68-1991. Passed 10-7-91.)
(a) The type of protection required under subsections (a), (b) and (c) of Section 924.04 shall depend on the degree of hazard which exists as follows:
(1) An approved air gap separation shall be installed where the public potable water system may be contaminated with substances that could cause a severe health hazard;
(2) An approved air gap separation or an approved reduced pressure principle backflow prevention device shall be installed where the public potable water system may be contaminated with a substance that could cause a system or health hazard.
(3) An approved air gap separation and/or an approved reduced pressure principal backflow prevention device and/or an approved double check valve assembly shall be installed where the public potable water system may be polluted with substances that could cause a pollutional hazard not dangerous to health.
(b) The type of protection required in Section 924.04(d) shall be an approved air gap separation or an approved interchangeable connection.
(c) Where an auxiliary water system is used as a secondary source of water for a fire protection system, the provisions of subsection (b) hereof for an approved air gap separation or an approved interchangeable connection may not be required providing all of the following conditions are met:
(1) At premises where the auxiliary water system may be contaminated with substances that could cause a system or health hazard, the public or consumer's potable water system shall be protected against backflow or back siphonage by installation of an approved reduced pressure principle backflow prevention device.
(2) At all other premises, the public or consumer's potable water system shall be protected against backflow or back siphonage by installation of either an approved reduced pressure principle backflow prevention device or an approved double check valve assembly.
(3) The public or consumer's potable water system shall be the primary source of water for the fire protection system.
(4) The fire protection system shall be normally filled with water from the public or consumer's potable water system.
(5) The water in the fire protection system shall be used for fire protection only, with no regular use of water from the fire protection system downstream from the approved backflow prevention device.
(6) The water in the fire protection system shall contain no additives.
(Ord. 68-1991. Passed 10-7-91.)
(a) Any backflow prevention device required by the Village of Silver Lake shall be of a model or construction approved by the Water Utilities Superintendent/Service Director and the Director of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency or his duly authorized representative and shall comply with the following:
(1) An air gap separation to be approved shall have vertical separation of at least twice the diameter of the supply pipe, measured vertically above the top rim of the vessel or overflow pipe, whichever is lower, but in no case less than one inch vertical separation. If affected by a near wall, the vertical separation shall be at least three times the diameter of the supply pipe and a minimum of one and one-half inch. The horizontal separation shall be at least three times the diameter or a minimum of one and one-half inch from a sidewall, if this sidewall extends above the overflow. For two intersecting walls extending above the overflow the horizontal separation shall be at least four times the diameter or a minimum two feet from the nearest sidewall.
(2) A double check valve assembly or a reduced pressure principle backflow prevention device shall be approved by the Water Utilities Superintendent/Service Director and shall appear on the current list of approved backflow prevention devices of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.
(3) Interchangeable connection to be approved shall be either a swing type connector or a four-way valve of the lubricated plug type that operates through a mechanism which unseats the plug, turns it ninety degrees and re-seats the plug. Four-way valves shall not be used as stop valves but must have separate stop valves on each pipe connected to the valve. The telltale port on the four-way valve shall have no piping connected and the threads or flange of this port shall be destroyed so that a connection cannot be made.
(b) Existing backflow prevention devices approved by the Water Utilities Superintendent/Service Director or the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency at the time of installation and properly maintained shall, except for inspection and maintenance requirements, be excluded from the requirements of subsection (a) hereof providing the Water Utilities Superintendent/Service Director is assured that they will satisfactorily protect the public potable water system. Whenever the existing device is moved from the present location or requires more than minimum maintenance or when the Water Utilities Superintendent/Service Director finds that the maintenance of the device constitutes a hazard to health, the device shall be replaced by a backflow protection device meeting the requirements of this chapter.
(Ord. 68-1991. Passed 10-7-91.)
(a) Backflow prevention devices shall be installed at a location and in a manner approved by the Water Utilities Superintendent/Service Director and shall be installed by and at the expense of the water consumer. In addition, any backflow prevention device required by Section 924.05 (b) and (c) shall be installed at a location and in a manner approved by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency as required by Ohio R.C. 6109.13.
(b) Backflow prevention devices installed on the service line to a consumer's water system shall be located on the consumer's side of the water meter, as close to the meter as is reasonably practical and prior to any other connection.
(c) Pits or vaults shall be of water-tight construction and be so located and constructed as to prevent flooding and shall be maintained free from standing water by means of either a sump and pump or a suitable drain. Such sump pump or drain shall not connect to a sanitary sewer nor permit flooding of the pit or vault by reverse flow from its point of discharge. An access ladder and adequate natural or artificial lighting shall be provided to permit maintenance, inspection and testing of the backflow prevention devices.
(Ord. 68-1991. Passed 10-7-91.)
(a) It shall be the duty of the consumer at any premises on which backflow prevention devices required by this chapter are installed to have inspection, tests and overhaul made in accordance with the following schedule or more often where inspections indicate a need.
(1) Air gap separation shall be inspected at time of installation and at least every twelve months thereafter.
(2) Reduced pressure principle backflow prevention devices shall be inspected and tested for tightness at time of installation and at least every twelve months thereafter.
They shall be dismantled, inspected internally, cleaned and repaired whenever needed and at least every five years.
(3) Double check valve assemblies shall be inspected and tested for tightness at time of installation and at least every twelve months thereafter. They shall be dismantled, inspected internally, cleaned and repaired whenever needed and at least every thirty months.
(4) Interchangeable connections shall be inspected at the time of installation and at least every twelve months thereafter.
(b) Inspections, tests and overhaul of backflow prevention devices shall be made at the expense of the water consumer and shall be performed by a person approved by the Water Utilities Superintendent/Service Director and the Ohio Department of Health as qualified to inspect, test and overhaul backflow prevention devices for the Village.
(c) Whenever backflow prevention devices required by this chapter are found to be defective, they shall be repaired or replaced at the expense of the consumer without delay.
(d) The water consumer must maintain a complete record of each backflow prevention device from purchase to retirement. This shall include a comprehensive listing that includes a record of all tests, inspections and repairs. Records of inspections, tests, repairs and overhaul shall be submitted to the Village at least yearly.
(e) Backflow prevention devices shall not be bypassed, made inoperative, removed or otherwise made ineffective without specific written authorization by the Water Utilities Superintendent/Service Director.
(Ord. 68-1991. Passed 10-7-91.)