(A)   Description. This item shall consist of sidewalk made on one course portland cement concrete, or its equivalent, constructed in accordance with specifications on file in the Zoning Administrator’s office, and the cross-sections as shown on the accepted drawings.
   (B)   Materials. All materials shall comply with state specifications § 516.
      (1)   Aggregate shall comply with state specifications items 612.2.1, 612.2.4, or 612.2.5, sizes five and ten.
      (2)   Water shall be free from oil, acids, alkali, and vegetable matter and shall be reasonably clean. Sea water shall not be used.
      (3)   Concrete shall contain six bags of cement per cubic yard and shall be proportioned as follows.
Quantities Per Bag of Cement (Approximately 1:2:4 Mix)
Fine Aggregate
Coarse Aggregate
6 gals.
18 lbs.
345 lbs.
Note: Weight of aggregate based on a specific gravity of 2.65.
   (C)   Construction methods.
      (1)   Preparation of subgrade. See § 91.56(C)(1).
      (2)   Subbase. Four inches of compacted fine granular material shall be constructed on the subgrade when considered necessary by the civil authorities.
      (3)   Forms for concrete. The forms for the concrete shall be of wood or metal, straight, free from warps or kinks, and of sufficient strength. They shall be staked securely enough to resist the pressure of the concrete without spring. When ready for the concrete to be deposited, they shall not vary from the approved line and grade and shall be kept so until the concrete has set.
      (4)   Placing and finishing concrete. Just prior to placing the concrete the subgrade shall be moistened. The concrete mixed to the proper consistency shall be placed in the forms and thoroughly tamped or vibrated in place so that all honeycombs will be eliminated and sufficient mortar for finishing will be brought to the surface. After this, the surface shall be brought to a smooth even finish by means of a wooden float. All faces adjacent to the forms shall be spaded so that after the forms are stripped the surface of the faces will be smooth, even, and free of honeycombs. All edges shall be tool rounded.
      (5)   Expansion joints and scoring concrete. One-half-inch transverse expansion joints shall be placed at intervals not exceeding 80 feet. Sidewalks shall be scored to a depth of one inch every four to six feet.
      (6)   Curing concrete. When completed, the concrete shall be kept moist for a period of not less than three days, and longer if necessary, and shall be protected from the elements in a satisfactory manner.
      (7)   Backfilling. Backfill shall be of suitable selected material and shall be placed and tamped until firm and solid. Backfilling shall follow immediately after the concrete forms have been removed.
      (8)   Repairs, alteration, modification or renovation. Any and all sidewalk repairs required by any section of this chapter, or any alteration, modification, or renovation of an existing sidewalk requested by any party shall, at a minimum, include the removal and replacement of said sidewalk in increments of four- to six-foot sections consistent with the existing scored sections.
(2005 Code, § 91.48) (Ord. 69, passed 8-2-1966; Ord. 18-0602, passed 7-5-2018) Penalty, see § 91.99