(A)   When the applicant has completed his or her personal work and is ready to replace the excavation and surface materials, he or she shall notify the City Clerk and the Clerk will thereupon cause the installation to be inspected and approved by a licensed inspector. The applicant shall pay the cost of such inspection.
   (B)   The applicant shall then cause the excavation to be closed and the surface materials to be replaced.
      (1)   If, upon inspection, such replacement is found to be satisfactory, the Clerk shall surrender and cancel the bond required by § 91.02.
      (2)   If such work is found to be unsatisfactory, the Clerk shall inform the applicant in what respects such work is unsatisfactory and shall give notice to such applicant that the work must be completed within ten days thereafter; an extension may be granted by the City Clerk. If the applicant fails or refuses to make such necessary repairs in the grace period, the city shall direct and order such repairs be made and charge the cost thereof against the bond posted by the applicant. The excess of the bond, if any, after such repairs have been paid for, shall be returned to the applicant.
(2005 Code, § 91.03) (Ord. 6, passed 5-4-1951)