20.20.010   Purpose of districts.
   The commercial and industrial districts listed below shall have the following purposes:
   A.   The CO commercial office district is intended to provide areas for the development of professional offices and limited commercial uses. Other permitted uses will include commercial offices, medical offices and hospitals.
   B.   The CTC commercial town center district is intended to serve as a concentrated commercial core for the city. Retail outlets typical of community shopping centers or districts along with general retail uses and professional offices will be among the uses permitted in this district.
   C.   The CG commercial general district is intended to provide for a wide variety of service and retail uses, many of which are highway-oriented. The portion of this district along Pacific Coast Highway should be treated with special zoning and development standards due to unique characteristics including, but not limited to small lot sizes, substantial existing nonconforming development, nonconforming and illegal sign proliferation, and lack of off-street parking.
   D.   The CR commercial residential district is intended to provide for limited small scale commercial and office uses along, or in conjunction with, medium density residential uses. Such mixed uses on a single parcel shall be compatible and where possible, mutually supportive.
   E.   The CI commercial industrial district is intended to provide for a wide variety of commercial uses and limited compatible light industrial uses. Commercial or industrial uses which might create offensive levels of noise, air pollution, glare, radioactivity or other nuisances shall be prohibited from this district.
   F.   The LI light industrial district is designed to accommodate a variety of light industrial uses which are nonpolluting and which can coexist with surrounding land uses. In addition, limited complimentary commercial uses shall be permitted.
   G.   The GI general industrial district is intended to provide for the development of a variety of general industrial and service uses which do not generate obnoxious or offensive impacts which might affect persons residing or conducting business in the city.
(Ord. 93-03-1152 § 6 (part): Ord. 87-06-991 § 4 (part))