All shutoff valves are installed by and for the use of the department. Except in cases of emergency, no person other than an authorized city employee shall turn any such valve on or off or molest or tamper with it. Every consumer shall install, for his ordinary usage and at his own expense, a shutoff valve on the property side of the meter.
(Ord. 596 § 2 (part), 1966: prior code § 21.04.125)
A. When temporary water service is required in connection with construction work, the department may sell such water with or without metering it as the public works director shall determine will best serve the city's interests, upon the deposit of a sum fixed by the public works director as security for the department's charges. If the service is furnished through a meter, the rate shall be twenty-five cents per hundred cubic feet of water consumed.
B. The minimum charge for a temporary service, whether metered or unmetered, shall be ten dollars and shall be paid before temporary service is completed.
(Ord. 596 § 2 (part), 1966: prior code § 21.04.035)
Any person who supplies or feeds water directly into any stationary boiler, hydraulic elevator, power pump, or any other power device shall first file a written application with the department and be issued a permit therefor. The issuance of said permit shall be conditioned upon a full and continued compliance with any and all safety measures or provisions the department may require.
(Ord. 596 § 2 (part), 1966: prior code § 21.04.080)
A consumer shall not permit water to be drawn from his service for use upon any premises other than the particular parcel for which the service exists, except as follows:
A. Water may be so drawn as provided in Section 13.04.120; and
B. A consumer who has been granted a permit therefor by the department may supply water for use in construction work or to fill temporary needs.
(Ord. 596 § 2 (part), 1966: prior code § 21.04.085)
Every owner or occupant of any premises shall be under the duty to equip and maintain said premises with plumbing of such character and quality as to prevent the wasting of water. If the plumbing of any consumer becomes in disrepair which results in the wasting of water, the public works director, after reasonable notice to the consumer or occupant of the premises, may cause the service to be shut off pending the making of proper repairs.
(Ord. 596 § 2 (part), 1966: prior code § 21.04.095)
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to cause, permit, or allow any water furnished through the facilities of the department to be wasted in any manner whatsoever. The use of water in any cooling system or ornamental fountain, without an efficient reuse thereof by means of a recirculation system shall constitute the wasting of water.
(Ord. 596 § 2 (part), 1966: prior code § 21.04.155)
A. Any cooling or refrigeration system using water as a condensing medium shall be equipped with a water conservation device conforming to accepted engineering standards to discharge water from the condensing apparatus at the maximum practical temperature.
B. On evaporative coolers of 5000 CFM capacity or larger, recirculating pumps will be required to provide for the recirculating of water.
C. All precooling coils and water-cooled condensing machines shall be equipped with pressure-actuated water-control valves.
D. No discharge of water from any cooling or refrigeration system shall be greater than six gallons per minute.
(Ord. 596 § 2 (part), 1966: prior code § 21.04.160)