Chapter 13.04
   13.04.010   Definitions.
   13.04.020   Connection--Permit required.
   13.04.030   Connection--Application.
   13.04.040   Deposit or credit required for service.
   13.04.050   Delinquent applicants.
   13.04.060   Fees establishment.
   13.04.070   Meter--City property.
   13.04.080   Meter--Tampering without permit prohibited.
   13.04.090   Meter--Failure.
   13.04.100   Meter--Testing and fee.
   13.04.110   Meter--Reinstallation fee.
   13.04.120   Meter--Multiple services prohibited--Exceptions.
   13.04.130   Rates establishment.
   13.04.131   Low income water discount.
   13.04.135   Exemptions.
   13.04.140   Vacant property rate.
   13.04.150   Bills--Payment--Delinquencies.
   13.04.160   Bills--Adjustments by superintendent.
   13.04.170   Turning water on after shutoff.
   13.04.200   Bypass connections prohibited.
   13.04.210   Connections to private sources prohibited--Exception.
   13.04.220   Shutoff valves.
   13.04.230   Temporary contractor service.
   13.04.240   Connections to power devices--Permit required.
   13.04.250   Supplying others with water prohibited.
   13.04.260   Plumbing in disrepair prohibited.
   13.04.270   Water waste prohibited.
   13.04.280   Water conservation devices.
   13.04.290   Removal or relocation of mains or fittings.
   13.04.300   Permit required for water stand use.
   13.04.310   Permit required for fire hydrant use.
   13.04.320   Authority to restrict certain uses.
   13.04.330   Right of entry for inspections.
   13.04.340   Compliance with chapter required.
*   For provisions regarding the water department, see Ch. 2.48 of this code.
13.04.010   Definitions.
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
   A.   "Consumer" means any person who is a subscriber for water service from the department.
   B.   "Department" means the water department of the city.
   C.   "Front footage" means that footage measured along the side of a lot abutting a public street or easement wherein a water main is or may be installed from which service may be taken.
   D.   "Public service director" means the superintendent of the department.
(Ord. 596 § 2 (part), 1966: prior code § 21.04.010)
13.04.020   Connection--Permit required.
   It is unlawful for any person to tap, open, or connect to, or cause, permit, or allow to be tapped, opened, or connected to any water main or pipe without first having made application to the department and received a permit therefor.
(Ord. 596 § 2 (part), 1966: prior code § 21.04.180)
13.04.030   Connection--Application.
   Before water is supplied to any consumer he must make written application to the department for the proper service in which he shall designate the premises to be served by the official building number. The service connection shall be made by the department at the nearest distribution main but only after all charges payable to the city therefor have been paid. The building inspector shall approve the size of all new services before installing any such services.
(Ord. 596 § 2 (part), 1966: prior code § 21.04.050)
13.04.040   Deposit or credit required for service.
   A.   Every applicant for water service must satisfactorily establish his credit with the department or deposit with the department an amount deemed sufficient to guarantee payment of all moneys that it is estimated will become due and payable to it from the applicant during two average billing periods.
   B.   A cash deposit will normally be required as follows:
   1.   If the applicant is not the owner of the property to be served and the owner does not guarantee payment of all charges and fees of the department; and
   2.   If the application is for temporary service; and
   3.   If the applicant is indebted to the city for water department fees or charges or otherwise, which indebtedness has been allowed to become delinquent under circumstances which indicate a lack of financial responsibility.
   C.   Deposits made with the department as provided in this section shall be refunded upon the termination of service, but only to the extent of the excess remaining after satisfying all amounts owing to the city by the depositor.
(Ord. 596 § 2 (part), 1966: prior code § 21.04.055)
13.04.050   Delinquent applicants.
   No application for water service shall be approved by the department if, and so long as, the applicant is delinquent in the payment of charges due the department with respect to water service at some other address. Water shall not be turned on at a new location and, if done, will be turned off until full settlement of past charges at the former location is made.
(Ord. 596 § 2 (part), 1966: prior code § 21.04.065)
13.04.060   Fees establishment.
   Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the rates the department shall charge for opening and closing a service connection, and for any labor, materials, or service furnished by it, shall be fixed by the council by resolution.
(Ord. 596 § 2 (part), 1966: prior code § 21.04.060)