A. The licensee of a patrol system shall, within five days after any patrolman named on his license no longer is an owner, member, or employee of such licensed patrol system, notify the city of that fact and shall thereupon return any license which may have been issued to such patrolman by the city.
B. The council, with or without a recommendation therefor from the administrative officer and the chief of police, may revoke the license of a patrol system or a patrolman, for any violation of the provisions of law applicable thereto.
C. The council shall grant or deny applications to modify existing patrol system licenses in the same manner as in the case of original applications.
(Ord. 600 § 1 (part), 1966: Ord. 597 § 1 (part), 1966: prior code § 5.32.070)
No operator of a patrol system shall employ or utilize the services in any way of a patrolman whose name is not on the license of such operator, or who does not possess a valid and subsisting license.
(Ord. 600 § 1 (part), 1966: Ord. 597 § 1 (part), 1966: prior code § 5.32.080(a))