Chapter 1.12
   1.12.010   Designated.
   1.12.020   Time of filing.
   1.12.030   Deposit of funds.
1.12.010   Designated.
   A filing fee of twenty-five dollars is established for candidate's nomination papers for elective offices at municipal elections held in the city.
(Ord. 73-10-711 § 1 (part), 1973: prior code § 1.09.010)
1.12.020   Time of filing.
   The filing fee shall be paid to the city clerk by each candidate for an elective office at the time the candidate's nomination paper is filed with the city clerk.
(Ord. 73-10-711 § 1 (part), 1973: prior code § 1.09.020)
1.12.030   Deposit of funds.
   The city clerk shall pay to the city treasurer all fees received which shall be deposited in the general fund.
(Ord. 73-10-711 § 1 (part), 1973: prior code § 1.09.030)