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1.02.130   Use of City Seal and/or City Logo.
    The City Seal and City Logo are the property of the City of Signal Hill. The City Seal and City Logo are, and have been established and designated to identify official city facilities, events and publications. The impression of the City Seal/City Logo shall be made and used upon official documents executed by the city or its duly authorized officials. It shall be unlawful for any person to make, reproduce, manufacture, display or use the City Seal/City Logo, or its design or any design so closely resembling the same as to be apt to deceive or be reasonably mistaken for in any way the City Seal, for any purpose other than for the official business of the city.
(Ord. 2008-11-1392 § 1, 2008)
1.02.140   Use of City Seal - Prohibitions.
   A.   No person shall place the City Seal/City Logo or any copy, facsimile, or reproduction thereof on any written or printed material supporting or opposing any candidate or candidates for any elective public office or supporting or opposing any state or federal legislation or any local or statewide referendum, initiative, or other ballot measure, and no person shall circulate or distribute any such written or printed material containing or bearing the City Seal/City Logo or any copy, facsimile or reproduction thereof, except only as provided in section 1.02.150.
   B.   It shall be unlawful for any person to make, reproduce, manufacturer, display or use the City Seal/City Logo, or their design or any design so closely resembling the same as to be apt to deceive or be reasonably mistaken for in any way the City Seal/City Logo, for any purpose other than for official city business, a city-sponsored event or publication, or a city-endorsed event or publication, without the approval of the City Council.
   C.   Unless specifically approved by a majority of the City Council, no person who is not an officer, employee or agent of the city shall place any copy, facsimile, imitation or replica of the City Seal/City Logo, or anniversary logo on any document so as to cause another person to reasonably believe that the document bearing the Seal or Logo was generated or approved by the city or that the person responsible for creating the document is employed by or is an officer of the city.
   D.   It shall be unlawful for any person to use the City Seal/City Logo, or any copy, facsimile, imitation or reproduction thereof, for any private or commercial purpose, except upon the approval of the City Council.
   E.   No person shall place any imitation of the City Seal on any written or printed material which is designed, calculated, intended or likely to confuse, deceive or mislead the public or cause the reader of such written or printed material to believe it to be an official city publication, and no person shall circulate or distribute any such written or printed material in the City of Signal Hill.
   F.   No person may use, or authorize the use of city stationery bearing the City Seal for any purposes other than those set forth in section 1.02.150 unless specifically authorized by the City Council.
   G.   Except as authorized herein, the City Seal should not be used on or in connection with any advertisement or promotion for any product, business, organization, service or article, whether offered for sale, for profit or offered without charge.
   H.   No person, other than the City Manager or the city-designated buyer, may print or order the printing of any city stationery bearing the City Seal or City Logo.
(Ord. 2008-11-1392 § 1, 2008)
1.02.150   Use of City Seal - Exceptions.  
   Section 1.02.140 shall not prohibit:
   A.   Use of the City Seal or a copy, facsimile or reproduction thereof on written material in support of or in opposition to any state or federal legislation or statewide referendum, initiative, or other ballot measure when specifically authorized by the City Council.
   B.   Use of the City letterhead bearing the City Seal/City Logo by a member of the City Council for individual correspondence, or the reproduction and distribution of a City Council Member's letter by the recipient thereof, at no cost to the City of Signal Hill, except that nothing in this subsection shall permit any Council Member to use the City Seal/City Logo contrary to the provisions of section 1.02.140 A, D, or G, and further provided that in using city letterhead in individual correspondence, the City Council Member shall indicate that the views expressed are individual and not the views of the Council, if appropriate.
   C.   City Council may, by resolution, adopt a policy for the official use of the City Seal, general city logo or anniversary logo by officers, employees and agents of the city, which policy may be in addition to the limitations included in this chapter so long as not inconsistent herewith.
   D.   Use of city stationery or other written or printed materials by city officials or employees used in authorized and official city business.
   E.   Use for embroidery or other placement on uniforms, named badges, and other clothing and identification materials worn or used by city employees and city officials.
   F.   Use for printing on official city promotional and recognition materials, such as pens, plaques, coffee mugs and other similar items as may be approved by the City Manager.
(Ord. 2008-11-1392 § 1, 2008)
1.02.160   City Seal - Commercial Use of.
   No person shall place the City Seal or any copy, facsimile or reproduction thereof on any written or printed material other than that specified in section 1.02.150, for any commercial, business or private purpose unless specifically authorized by the City Council.
(Ord. 2008-11-1392 § 1, 2008)
1.02.170   Unlawful to use city name without authorization.
   It is unlawful for any event organizer to use in the title of the event the words "the City of Signal Hill," or "City of Signal Hill" or facsimile of the Seal or logo of the City of Signal Hill without city's written authorization.
(Ord. 2008-11-1392 § 1, 2008)
1.02.180   Penalty.
   A.   Any person or persons violating the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to penalties in accordance with Chapter 1.16 of the Signal Hill Municipal Code. Each and every day during any portion of which the provisions of this chapter are violated shall constitute a separate offense and may be punished accordingly.
   B.   Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Any person convicted of a misdemeanor under the provisions of this chapter shall be punishable by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment as provided in Chapter 1.16 of this code. Each such person shall be guilty of a separate offense for each and every day during any portion of which any violation of any provision of this chapter is committed, continued or permitted by such person and shall be punishable accordingly (See California Government Code Section 18304).
(Ord. 2008-11-1392 § 1, 2008)
1.02.190   Exceptions.
   A.   No act of the City Council or document in evidence thereof shall be invalid by reason of the omission of the City Seal.
   B.   Nothing in this chapter shall prevent a person from manufacturing or selling non-documentary objects, such as souvenirs or decorative items, bearing the City Seal as part of the design, provided that such person undertakes such activity pursuant to agreement with the city, approved by the City Council or by such officer as the City Council may designate, containing such requirements and limitations as the City Council or such officer shall deem appropriate to assure that such use of the City Seal is in good taste and in the best interests of the city.
(Ord. 2008-11-1392 § 1, 2008)
1.02.200   City Flag.
   A.   The City of Signal Hill shall have an official flag to be known as "The Flag of the City of Signal Hill" which shall depict the City Seal. The City Flag may be utilized at city facilities and for city business purposes as approved by the City Manager or designee.
   B.   The City Flag may be issued by the city to private business entities located in the City of Signal Hill under the restriction that the flag will be flown on a flag pole(s) in conjunction with the National and State Flag, and will be flown in conformance with City, State and Federal Flag statutes, protocols and guidelines.
(Ord. 2008-11-1392 § 1, 2008)