As used in this chapter:
   (a)   Abatement means any action taken to remedy, correct, or eliminate a condition within, associated with, or impacting a drainage system.
   (b)   Apartment/Condominium Property is considered to be a lot or parcel of real estate on which is situated a building containing 3 or more single-family dwelling units.
   (c)   Approved plans shall mean plans approved according to a permits and plan review which will govern all improvements made within the City that require storm water facilities or changes or alterations to existing storm water facilities.
   (d)   Code means the Codified Ordinances of the City of Sidney.
   (e)   Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU) is a value, equal to 2,752 square feet of impervious area. One ERU is equal to the average amount of impervious area of one residential property within the City of Sidney.
   (f)   Facilities means various storm water and drainage works that may include inlets, pipes, pumping stations, conduits, manholes, energy dissipation structures, channels, outlets, retention/detention basins, and other structural components.
   (g)   Impervious area means areas that have been paved and/or covered with buildings and materials that do not allow natural infiltration, which include, but are not limited to: concrete, asphalt, rooftop, blacktop and compacted gravel.
   (h)   Infiltration is defined as a complex process of allowing runoff to penetrate the ground surface and flow through the upper soil surfaces.
   (i)   Non-residential properties are all other properties not included in the definition of residential property. Non-residential properties include:
      (1)   Apartment and condominium properties including triplexes;
      (2)   Mobile home parks;
      (3)   Commercial property;
      (4)   Industrial property;
      (5)   Governmental property (federal, state and local);
      (6)   Churches;
      (7)   Schools; and
      (8)   Any other property not mentioned above that is non-residential in nature.
   (j)   Owner means the owner of a property shall be defined as the person or entity which holds actual, not merely equitable, title to the property. Executors, administrators of estates, and persons who hold property in trust shall be considered owners.
   (k)   "NPDES" means National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System.
   (l)   NPDES Permit means a permit issued to the City pursuant to Section 402 of the Clean Water Act.
   (m)   Private storm water facilities are defined as various storm water and drainage works not under the control or ownership of the City, County, State, and/or Federal government which may include inlets, conduits, pipes, pumping stations, manholes, structures, channels, outlets, retention or detention basins, other structural components and equipment designed to transport, move or regulate storm water.
   (n)   Public storm water facilities are defined as various storm water and drainage works under the control or ownership of the City, County, State, and/or Federal government which may include inlets, conduits, pipes, pumping stations, manholes, structures, channels, outlets, retention or detention basins, other structural components and equipment designed to transport, move or regulate storm water.
   (o)   Public storm water open channel means all open channels, which convey, in part or in whole, storm water, and (1) are owned, operated, or maintained by the City of Sidney or (2) a storm water open channel which has a permanent drainage/storm water easement owned by the City and drains an area which includes City owned property or right-of-way. A public storm water open channel does not include roadside ditches, which convey only immediate right-of-way drainage.
   (p)   Residential property means all single and two family properties within the City of Sidney.
   (q)   Square footage of impervious area means, for the purpose of assigning an appropriate number of ERUs to a parcel of real property, the square footage of all impervious area using the outside boundary dimensions of the impervious area to include the total enclosed square footage, without regard for topographic features of the enclosed surface.
   (r)   Storm water means storm water runoff, snowmelt runoff, and surface runoff and drainage.
   (s)   Storm sewer means a sewer, which carries storm water, surface runoff, street wash waters, and drainage, but which excludes sanitary sewage and industrial wastes, other than unpolluted cooling water.
   (t)   Storm water utility fee is defined as a charge billed to users of the City’s storm water collection, impounding and transportation system.
   (u)   Storm water system means all man-made facilities, structures, and natural watercourses maintained by the City of Sidney and used for collection and conducting storm water to, through, and from drainage areas to the points of final outlet including, but not limited to, any and all of the following: conduits and appurtenant features, canals, creeks, catch basins, ditches, streams, gulches, gullies, flumes, culverts, siphons, streets, curbs, gutters, dams, floodwalls, levees, and pumping stations.
(Ord. A-2494. Passed 10-23-06.)