A. Building Permit: No building or structure shall be erected, moved, added to or structurally altered without a building permit issued by the building inspector, with the exception that residential homes shall not require a building permit for internal alterations, provided they are not converted to commercial use. No building permit shall be issued for construction of any new buildings or structures in any new development within the city limits of the city of Sidney until the city has issued a final certification or resolution accepting all infrastructure improvements within said new development.
B. Applications: A building permit application shall be made on forms provided by the building inspector and shall contain such information as required to ensure compliance with the provisions of this title. Such information shall include, but is not limited to:
1. A scale drawing showing the dimensions of the lot which may, if so determined by the building inspector, include an accurate survey of the premises;
2. The location of existing and proposed structures on the lot;
3. The legal description of the parcel;
4. Proposed use of the land, building or structures;
5. A scale drawing of the proposed structure(s), together with such additional construction information as may be required for comprehensive review;
6. Provision for adequate garbage control on the entire site of construction.
All construction plans, drawings and designs shall conform to all applicable standards as adopted by or as set out in this code.
C. Fees: Fees for the issuance of building permits shall be set by the city council and adopted herein by reference, and the fee schedule shall be kept on file in the office of the city clerk and shall be made available to all applicants for building permits.
D. Referral To Other Agencies For Review: The building inspector shall ensure that all local government agencies determined to be impacted by building construction shall be afforded the opportunity to review plans before the issuance of the building permit.
E. Time Limitations: Every permit issued shall become invalid unless work on the site authorized by such permit is commenced within ninety (90) days after issuance, or, if work authorized on the site by such permit is suspended or abandoned for a period of ninety (90) days after the time the work is commenced. The building inspector is authorized to grant, in writing, one or more extensions of time, for periods not to exceed thirty (30) days each. The extension shall be requested in writing with justifiable cause demonstrated. (Ord. 553, 4-28-2014)
A. Inspections Of Structures:
1. Compliance With Code: The building inspector shall check all plans and applications for permits for compliance with this title, as well as with the applicable provisions of title 4, chapter 1 of this code of the city of Sidney, both before and during construction. If during an inspection the building inspector finds that an application, or construction work, does not comply with this title, he shall inform the applicant, contractor, architect, owner or agent of the owner of the infraction and shall order any further proceedings or work stopped until the plans or construction are brought into compliance.
2. Inspections: Inspections shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
a. Footings and foundations, before concrete is poured.
b. Framing and insulation, before walls are covered.
c. Dry wall, before taping.
d. Adequate garbage control at all times during construction.
3. Final Inspection: No occupancy shall be permitted before final inspection.
4. Establishment Of Fee Schedule For Building Inspection: The department of public works shall include an inspection fee in the fee for issuance of a building permit, which inspection fee shall be based on the cost of the improvement for which the permit is issued.
B. Inspection Of New Infrastructure Improvements: All developments within the city of Sidney which require the installation or updating of infrastructure including, but not limited to, water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer and streets, shall require that there be continuous and full time inspection during all phases of the installation or modification of infrastructure improvements. Developers shall choose inspectors from a list of companies providing inspectors, the named inspector having the appropriate credentials and/or certification to perform the function of infrastructure inspectors, said list to be available from the city at all times. An inspector selected by a developer from a company not on the city's list shall be subject to approval from the director of public works based on the same criteria used by the city to construct the standing list. Without approval from the director of public works, a developer cannot utilize an inspector from the company providing engineering services for the development. In all cases, a developer shall inform the city of the name of the inspector chosen to conduct the inspections mandated by this chapter before proceeding with any phase of construction. Inspectors shall provide such reports to the director of public works and at such regular intervals as he shall require and shall, at the conclusion of construction convey all daily logs, inspection notes and records to the director of public works.
C. Obligation To Provide Certified As Built Construction Drawings: Upon completion of the construction project the developer and his engineer or agent shall provide the city with certified, as built, construction record drawings which depict the actual placement of the improvements in the development, with certification signed by the developer and his engineer that those improvements comply with the standards and specifications as adopted by, as set out, or referenced in this code. The as built record drawings shall show location measurements for valves, manholes, service connections and service stub out lines. Copies of the results of all soil compaction tests, aggregate tests, bituminous and concrete pavement tests, water purification tests, water main integrity tests, sewer main integrity tests and all other approved integrity tests together with the inspector's daily logs shall be placed into the possession of the city director of public works.
D. Acceptance Of Improvements By Sidney City Council: No infrastructure improvements installed in connection with any new developments within the city of Sidney shall be accepted by the Sidney city council by resolution or otherwise until all obligations and requirements set forth in this chapter are met and approved by the Sidney department of public works. (Ord. 553, 4-28-2014)
Once the building inspector learns that construction has been completed on a structure or structures within the city of Sidney he shall conduct a final inspection and shall, if he finds that construction has taken place in compliance with all relevant codes and in accordance with original plans or modified plans of which he has been informed, issue a certificate of final inspection and/or occupancy. If an applicant proceeds to occupy a structure without such a certificate the building official shall post a notice on such a premises ordering a cessation to such occupancy, and the applicant, owner, or other occupier of such a premises who continues to be in violation of this section shall be subject to a penalty fee of no less than fifty dollars ($50.00) per each day of violation. (Ord. 553, 4-28-2014)