(a)   The City Council shall conduct all of its meetings in accordance with the Nebraska Open Meetings Act. The City Council shall make reasonable efforts to accommodate the public's right to hear the discussions and testimony presented at its meetings. The City Manager shall make available at each meeting, for examination and copying by members of the public, at least one copy of all reproducible written material to be discussed in open session at the meeting.
   (b)   The Council may make and enforce reasonable rules and regulations regarding the conduct of persons attending, speaking at, and/or recording its meetings by any means, including but not limited to videotaping, photographing or voice recording. The City Council shall not forbid public participation at all meetings, but the board may not allow citizens to speak at every meeting. The Council shall have the discretion to limit the amount of time set aside for public comment, and the amount of time set aside may, at the Council's discretion, vary from meeting to meeting. The Mayor shall specify the total amount of time available for public comment prior to opening the public comment period. Individual comments shall be limited to five minutes for each participant who may be heard within the time available for public comment. The Mayor shall recognize the individual who may have the floor to make his or her comments at the appropriate time. Only those speakers recognized by the Mayor shall be allowed to speak. Comments by others not recognized by the Mayor shall be out of order. If any individual making comments or attending the open meeting causes disruption, said individual may be required to leave the City Council meeting.
   (c)   However, the Council may require a member of the public desiring to address the Council to identify him or herself when the Mayor recognizes said person as having the floor to make public comments.
(Res. 20130508. Passed 5-28-13.)