It shall be unlawful for any person to panhandle, or to solicit the sale of goods or services, in an aggressive manner in a public area, in violation of the following:
   (a)   By coming within three feet of the person solicited, until that person has indicated that he or she wishes to make a donation;
   (b)   By blocking the path of the person solicited, or other pedestrians, along a sidewalk or street;
   (c)   By following a person who walks or drives away from the solicitor;
   (d)   By using profane, intimidating or abusive language or gestures, either during the solicitation or following a refusal, walk-away or drive-away;
   (e)   By soliciting in a group of three or more persons;
   (f)   While under the influence of alcohol or any illegal narcotic or controlled substance; or
   (g)   Using any device, for the purpose of amplifying speech or sound, or facilitating the amplification of speech or sound, except if granted a permit by the City in compliance with Section 648.05 of the City's Codified Ordinances.
(Ord. 1639. Passed 6-8-10.)