Each gas appliance and accessory designed for domestic or commercial use should be of a type complying with applicable American Standard Approval or Listing Requirements, or equivalent, covering safe operation, substantial and durable construction and acceptable performance. Such compliance may be determined by the presence on the appliance or accessory of a label of a nationally recognized testing agency qualified and equipped to perform the test necessary to determine such compliance and maintaining an adequate periodic inspection of current production models, and whose label on the appliance or accessory states that it complies with national safety requirements. Such compliance may also be determined by the listing of the appliance or accessory in a list published by such nationally recognized testing agency, which states that the appliance or accessory complies with national safety requirements. The inclusion of provisions for the installation of unlisted appliances and accessories shall not be construed as acceptance of such equipment from the standpoint of general design, construction or performance.
In cases where no applicable American Standard Approval or Listing Requirements have been developed for a given class of appliance or accessory, approval of the City Inspector should be obtained before the appliance or accessory is installed.
(Ord. 368. Passed 8-4-50.)