The following described territory in the City shall constitute the fire limits:
   The fire limits of the City are bounded as shown on a map entitled "City of Sidney Fire Limits" which map, with all explanatory matter thereon, is attached to original Ordinance 783, passed April 27, 1970, and is hereby made a part of this section. The following described lots and lands are hereby included within the City fire limits in addition to those described in the map hereinbefore referred to:
   The south half (S 1/2) of Block 6 and the south half (S 1/2) of Block 1, including the vacated street and alleys contiguous thereto, in Trognitz Second Addition to the City.
   The following described lots and lands are hereby deleted from the City fire limits as described in the map hereinbefore referred to: Lots 7 and 8, Block 26, Clarkson's Addition to the City; Lots 11 and 12, Livoni's Addition to the City; Lot 6, Christ Second Addition to the City; Lots 4 and 5, Block 3, School Section Addition to the City; and Lots 56 and 57, Morrow Addition to the City.
   Wherever in these Codified Ordinances or other ordinances of the City, the term "fire limits" is used, the same shall refer to the fire limits as above prescribed or as hereafter established by an ordinance amendatory hereto.
(Ord. 995. Passed 5-11-81. )