Any use with respect to which there appears in the chart in Section 1264.01(b) an identifying letter opposite the description of the use is subject to the following special requirements (as well as requirements, if any, in other chapters of this Zoning Code):
A. If a building has been built on a lot which comprises more than twenty-five percent of the front footage of any block, no such building or structure shall be built or structurally altered which projects beyond the average front yard setback already established, but if the only building is one on an adjoining lot, the minimum front yard setback shall be the setback of such building. However, the front yard setback shall be not less than twenty-five feet.
B. If a lot abuts on a public alley, the minimum rear yard setback is five feet; otherwise the minimum rear yard setback is fifteen feet.
C. The minimum side yard setback is five feet for buildings and structures not more than three stories high. For buildings more than three stories high, the required minimum side yard setback is increased one foot for each additional story over three.
D. In an R-3 or O-P Zone, the minimum lot area per dwelling unit and the maximum lot coverage are as follows:
Minimum Lot Area Percent of Lot
(sq. ft.) Coverage
(sq. ft.) Coverage
500 70
450 65
400 60
350 55
300 45
E. A mobile home shall set back a minimum of twenty feet from the property line of a mobile home park. The front setback of mobile home shall be a minimum of fifteen feet from the curb on interior drives and the side setback shall be a minimum of eighteen feet between mobile homes. No mobile home shall be situated closer than eighteen feet to any service or other mobile home park permanent building.
F. The density of a mobile home park shall be not more than 7,560 square feet of mobile home floor space per gross acre.
G. No minimum rear year setback is required, except for a lot in a C or M Zone abutting the side of a lot in either an R or O-P Zone, in which case the minimum rear yard setback is fifteen feet. If a public alley separates such lots, no rear yard is required.
H. No minimum interior side yard setback is required, except for a lot in a C or M Zone whose side abuts the side of a lot in either an R or O-P Zone, in which case the minimum interior side yard setback is five feet. If a public alley separates such lots, no side yard is required.
I. The required minimum R Zone setback applies if the frontage between two streets separates an R Zone from either a C or M Zone. If all frontage between two streets is in either a C or M Zone, no front setback is required.
J. The minimum permissible land area for any lot or tract of land in an A Zone is 20,000 square feet. The minimum permissible land area for each accessory dwelling unit is five acres.
K. No height and area regulations are specified for an F Zone. Preliminary and final site plans shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for review and approval.
(Ord. 1049. Passed 2-26-85.)
(a) Front Yard. Front yard setback requirements shall apply to that part of the yard abutting a front street, whether the building on the lot fronts on the front or a side street.
(b) Corner Lot. A building on a corner lot shall be set back from the side street not less than one-half of the distance required by this Zoning Code for a front building setback. In C-1, C-2 and C-3 Zones, no building or structure, or any part thereof, shall be constructed within a triangular area at the street corner of a lot or tract which has, as its sides, sides herein designated and described. Side A shall consist of a side that borders the lane of traffic approaching the intersection and that is fifteen feet in length. Side B shall consist of a side that borders the lane of traffic leaving the intersection and that is five feet in length. Side C shall be the hypotenuse.
(c) Exceptions. Subsections (a) and (b) hereof are not applicable to a lot of record if:
(1) Their application would reduce the buildable width of the lot to less than twentyeight feet.
(2) Their application would unreasonably prevent the construction of an accessory building.
(d) Decorative Structures. A special permit may be issued to erect in. a front yard setback area a decorative structure, exclusive of signs, which does not have a height in excess of three feet above the ground.
(Ord. 1049. Passed 2-28-85.)
(a) Obstructions. No building or structure, or part thereof, shall be built on a corner lot in any R Zone or on any residentially used lot or tract of land within a triangular area bounded by the lot lines abutting two intersecting streets and a line connecting a point lying on each lot line twenty feet from the point of intersection of the lot lines. Shrubs within this area shall not exceed three feet in height and trees therein shall be trimmed to a height above the curb or established street grade of at least eight feet.
(b) Railroad Intersections. No building or other structure shall be placed on a triangular tract of land which on one side abuts a public street that is intersected by a railroad track, which on a second side abuts the railroad right of way and where the third boundary line of which, when extended, intersects the centerline of the nearest rail and the nearest right-of-way line of the street at points, respectively, which are less than fifty feet distant from the point of intersection of such centerline of the nearest rail and such right-of-way line of the street extended.
(Ord. 1049. Passed 2-28-85.)