The Planning Commission may issue a special permit for the use of a lot, tract of land, building or structure in circumstances and in a manner authorized by this Zoning Code, if the Commission finds the proposed use:
   (a)   Provides a service required by the neighborhood or community and is consistent with sound principles of land use;
   (b)   Will not be injurious to the use of neighboring lots, tracts of land, buildings or structures;
   (c)   Will not create special hazards or problems for the area in which it is located;
   (d)   Is related to and harmonious with the general plan for the area in which it is located, as indicated by this Zoning Code; and
   (e)   Is otherwise in accordance with the intent and purposes of this Zoning Code. The Commission may make the use which is authorized in the special permit subject to reasonable conditions which, in the discretion of the Commission, are necessary to carry out the intent and purposes of this Zoning Code.
(Ord. 1049. Passed 2-26-85.)