(a)   Contents. A preliminary plat shall be drawn to a scale of not less than one inch equals 100 feet. Such plat shall contain the following drawings and information:
      (1)   Legal description, acreage and the name of the proposed subdivision;
      (2)   Name and address of the owner, name of the person who prepared the plat and the date such plat was prepared;
      (3)   North point and graphic scale;
      (4)   Contours at a maximum of five-foot intervals;
      (5)   Sketch map showing the relationship of the subdivision site to the surrounding area;
      (6)   Names of adjoining subdivisions and streets;
      (7)   Location of existing lot lines, streets, public utility easements, water mains, sewers, drain pipes, culverts, watercourses, bridges, railroads and buildings in the proposed subdivision;
      (8)   Layout of proposed blocks and lots, including the dimensions of each, the block and lot numbers in numerical order and building set-back lines;
      (9)   Locations, widths, other dimensions and names of proposed streets, alleys, roads, easements, parks and other open spaces or reserved areas;
      (10)   Grades of proposed streets and alleys, which shall refer to and include a permanent bench mark extended from a U.S.G.S. bench mark; and
      (11)   The present zoning classification of the land to be subdivided and of the adjoining land.
   (b)   Additional Information. The preliminary plat of a subdivision in, or proposed to be included in, the City, shall show, in addition:
      (1)   A cross-section of a proposed street, showing the width of the roadway, the location and type of curbs and gutters, the paving, where required, and the sidewalks to be installed; and
      (2)   The layout and grades of proposed water mains, sewers, drains, power lines and other utilities. The arrangement and design of the features shown in the preliminary plat shall comply with these Subdivision Regulations.
   (c)   Elevations. The preliminary plat of a subdivision comprising more than fifty lots or more than five acres, whichever is less in area, shall show, in addition to the information required by subsections (a) and (b) hereof, current elevations, fill elevations and elevations to which floors of buildings developed on the property must be constructed.
(Ord. 1049. Passed 2-26-85.)