(a)   The use of private water wells within the City negatively impacts the well levels of the City's municipal wells and creates point source locations for potential contamination of the public water supply. As a consequence of low draw-down levels, some municipal wells have been shut down and water usage by City residents and businesses restricted. It serves the public interest to eliminate, to the extent possible, locations of possible point source contamination. Additionally, a reduction in municipal water supply affects the health, safety and welfare of all City residents and businesses to the extent that it impacts availability of drinking water, sanitation and fire protection. Therefore, the drilling, construction and use of new private water wells should be and hereby is prohibited, and the use of private water wells presently operating within the City is restricted.
   (b)   No private water or other wells shall be permitted or drilled or constructed within the City limits.
   (c)   Private water wells within the City limits completed and continuously operating year to year on or before August 1, 2002 may continue to operate if continuously metered for the same purpose and capacity, except that in times of declared water shortage emergency, all uses other than domestic or agricultural use will cease except as permitted in division (e) of this section. Pumping to fountains and ponds is deemed non-essential.
   (d)   During a declared water shortage emergency, the hours of pumping and amount of water pumped from private wells within the City for agricultural purposes may be restricted pursuant to a restriction plan adopted by resolution of Council to ensure domestic supply to all City wells. Well owners will be given notice of the hearing at which the restriction plan resolution will be considered.
   (e)   During a declared water emergency all private water well owners will observe the same day/hour lawn irrigation restrictions imposed upon city municipal water users and will comply with any other emergency water restrictions as are imposed upon other City residents generally.
(Ord. 1496. Passed 9-24-02.)