When a permit is issued for the construction of a sidewalk, the City Engineer or other engineer employed by the City shall make a survey and set stakes indicating the location, grade and elevation of the sidewalk, and no person shall construct or cause to be constructed such sidewalk at any other location, grade or elevation. All sidewalks shall be built and constructed on the established grade or elevation or, if there is no established grade, then on the grade or elevation indicated by the City Engineer. The survey shall be made and stakes set by the City Engineer within ten days after being directed to do so. The fees of the Engineer shall be paid by the City, but if the person obtaining the permit and survey fails or neglects to construct the sidewalk within sixty days thereafter, then the applicant for the permit shall be liable to the City for the expense of the survey at the rate of eight dollars ($8.00) per hour required to make the survey, the expense of which shall be included in the special assessment and considered as a special benefit.
(1958 Code § 23.52)