The City Manager or his authorized representative, under the supervision of Council, shall have general charge, direction and control of all work on the streets, sidewalks, culverts and bridges of the City, and he shall also perform such other duties as Council may require. As Sidewalk Inspector, he shall have general control of all sidewalks and sidewalk spaces in the City. It shall be his duty to see that sidewalks and sidewalk spaces are not unlawfully occupied and he shall report all obstructions thereon and any unlawful use thereof to the Mayor and Council. He shall have authority to go upon any private property and to enter any areaways under sidewalks at reasonable hours.
   The City Manager or his authorized representative shall serve all notices pertaining to sidewalks, crossings and alleys and shall keep in a suitable book an accurate record of each notice so served with the time and manner of such service. He shall likewise keep a record of all sidewalks ordered built.