An association duly licensed by the State to conduct the game of bingo within the City shall obtain a written permit therefor from Council before commencing operation of the same. Application for such permit shall be in writing and filed with the Clerk-Treasurer on such forms as he prescribes. The Clerk-Treasurer shall issue such permit when directed to do so by Council. Such permit shall expire on September 30 following its issuance or renewal. The fee for such permit, or each renewal thereof, shall be ten dollars ($10.00), which the applicant shall pay to the Clerk-Treasurer prior to filing its application for such permit, or renewal thereof, and a receipt for payment of the same shall be filed with the application. When a permit is issued, the Clerk-Treasurer shall credit such fee to the General Fund of the City. The permit shall, at all times, be displayed conspicuously at the place where the game of bingo is conducted.
(Ord. 1163. Passed 12-12-89.)