As used in this chapter, weeds shall include, but not be limited to, bindweed (convolvulus arvensis), puncture vine (tribulus terrestris), leafy spurge (euphorbia esula), Canada thistle (cirsium arvense), perennial peppergrass (lepidium draba), Russian knapweed (centaurea picris), Johnsongrass (sorghum halepense), nodding or musk thistle, quack grass (agropyron repens), perennial sow thistle (sonchus arvensis), horse nettle (solanum carolinense), bull thistle (cirsium lanceolatum), buckthorn (rahmnus sp.) (tourn), hemp plant (cannabis sativa), ragweed (ambrosiaceae), and other worthless vegetation commonly regarded as weeds.
(Ord. 1224. Passed 8-11-92.)