(a)   The keeping of sheep, horses, cattle, mules, donkeys, goats, pigs or other hooved or cloven-footed animals, domestic or wild, and fowl is permitted only in areas of the city that are zoned either:
      (1)   A - Agricultural Zones;
      (2)   AR - Agricultural Residential Zones; or
      (3)   R1a - Rural Residential Estate Zones.
   (b)   Only one animal per each lot is allowed, or if a lot comprises one acre or more, only one animal per each whole acre is allowed. Shelter for such animals shall be situated not less than 50 feet from the property line and not less than 50 feet from a structure on another lot or tract.
   (c)   Except as designated above, the keeping of livestock (fowl included) is prohibited.
(Ord. 1824. Passed 7-13-21.)