The driver of any vehicle involved in an accident resulting in injury or death to any person or resulting in damage to property, regardless of apparent extent, shall immediately stop such vehicle at the scene of such accident, shall also give his name and address and the registration number of his vehicle, shall exhibit his operator's license to the person struck or to the driver or occupants of the vehicle collided with, shall render to any person injured in such accident reasonable assistance and shall, in any accident resulting in injury or death to a person or property damage to an apparent extent of fifty dollars ($50.00) or more, within twenty-four hours, make a report of such accident to the Chief of Police.
(1958 Code § 16.15)
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle during any period that his or her operator's license has been suspended, revoked, or impounded pursuant to conviction or convictions for violation of any law or laws of the State of Nebraska or by an order of any court or by an administrative order of the director of the Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles or after such suspension, revocation or impoundment but before reinstatement of his or her license or issuance of a new license.
(b) Any person whose operator's license or right or privilege to operate a motor vehicle has been suspended or revoked as provided in the Motor Vehicle Operator's License Act of the State of Nebraska shall not operate a motor vehicle in the City under a license, permit or registration certificate issued by any other jurisdiction or otherwise during such suspension or after such revocation until a new license is obtained when and if permitted under the Act.
(Ord. 1516. Passed 6-10-03.)
(a) No person whose current license is a State of Nebraska provisional operator's permit shall operate a motor vehicle on the streets, roadways, alleys or highways in the City from 12:00 midnight to 6:00 a.m. except when he or she is en route to or from his or her residence, to his or her place of employment or a school activity or when he or she is accompanied by a parent, guardian, or adult at least twenty-one years of age, who has a current Nebraska operator's license or who is licensed in another state.
(b) Any person convicted of violating a provisional operator's permit by operating a motor vehicle in violation of this section shall be guilty of an infraction, and is subject to a fine of not more than two hundred dollars ($200.00) and may have his or her provisional operator's permit revoked by the court for a time period specified by the court and to the extent provided by the Nebraska Statutes.
(Ord. 1567. Passed 5-23-06.)