A. Address Numbering System:
1. Responsibility For Address Number Assignments And Reassignment:
a. Whenever a building has been numbered or renumbered in accordance with this section, such number shall not be changed or altered unless upon the direction of the village of Shorewood or those authorized by the same to assign addresses.
b. In all cases where numbers have been assigned on any street, it shall be the duty of the village of Shorewood to adjust and reassign such numbers as the same may be required from time to time. In all cases where there is a mistake or conflict in numbers, the village of Shorewood shall direct and make proper adjustment of the same. The village of Shorewood shall not be held liable for any expenses incurred as a result of said address assignment or adjustment.
c. At all times, the village of Shorewood shall keep an up to date list of the current address for each parcel and property assigned an address pursuant to this section and located in the village.
d. It will be the responsibility of the individual property owner, renter, lessee or other person(s) having possession or control of the property to notify all appropriate agencies (post office, fire protection district, telephone company, electric company, etc.) of the most current assigned address issued by the village of Shorewood.
2. General Information: The village of Shorewood uniform street name and address numbering system is divided into two (2) separate address areas. The village address system boundary is shown on exhibit A, attached to ordinance 03-1179, that incorporates the existing village of Shorewood surrounded by the five digit address system.
a. Village Address System:
(1) The numbering system that is currently in use for the village address system will remain. Given the unique nature of the addressing system in place, the parcels not addressed within the village address system will be determined by following the current trends for numbering in that area.
(2) Numbers will be assigned sequentially from determined starting points with even numbers being on the north and east sides and odds being on the south and west sides.
(3) The numbering of the village address system begins at the intersection of Route 52 and Route 59. The east and west numbering will increase from Route 59 as being 0 and the north and south numbering will increase from Route 52 as being 0.
b. Five Digit Address System:
(1) The numbering for the five digit address system shall begin at State Street and Madison Street in the city of Chicago and extend outwardly. The number system shall increase southerly, and westerly beginning with the corporate limits of the village of Shorewood, as it may change from time to time with annexations.
(2) In cases where an address shall be changed, property owners shall receive official notification of the new address assignment in advance of the change. These notices shall state the old and new addresses, effective date of the change, and penalty for not displaying the new address number. Notifications of number changes are usually sent thirty (30) days before the effective date of the change.
(3) North and west sides of the street shall have even numbers. South and east sides of the street shall have odd numbers.
(4) The system defines eight (8) blocks equal to one mile. Each block is approximately six hundred sixty feet (660') long. In addressing there are sixty six (66) possible numbers per block. They consist of thirty three (33) odd numbers and thirty three (33) even numbers, being evenly spaced out every twenty feet (20'). This is the method to be used to assign addresses for the five digit address system.
(5) Every section in each township has a north/south and east/west corresponding boundary. In each section, there are eight (8) blocks. The numbers shall increase from north to south and east to west. (See exhibit A, attached to ordinance 03-1179.)
(6) Street directions are designated as either S. for north/south streets, or W. for east/west streets.
(7) Developers shall choose street layouts from the following designs:
(A) Crescent (Loop) Streets: A crescent is designed so that a street has an entrance and exit at two (2) points on the same intersecting street. Crescents are numbered consecutively from their beginning intersection (either the north or east intersection) if they have one street name. Even though crescent street configurations are north/south and east/west, the numbers are dependent on the direction of the intersecting street if one street name has been chosen. In addressing a crescent, addresses shall not be alternated so that odd and even numbers are located on the same side of the street. Addresses shall be assigned along the crescent continuously in the same direction as the intersecting street. It shall depend on the length of the street if more than one street name will be required. This will be left up to the discretion of the village of Shorewood. Refer to the illustration attached as exhibit B to ordinance 03-1179.
(B) Cul-De-Sac Streets: A cul-de-sac is designed so that the street does not follow through. There is only one common entrance and exit with a turnaround at the end of the street. Cul-de-sacs shall be addressed in the same manner as north/south and east/west streets with even numbers located on the north and west sides of the street and the odd numbers on the south and east sides of the street. Because of the shape of a cul-de-sac, the center lot at the end (circular part of the street) of the cul-de-sac shall be the dividing point for determining whether a lot will receive an even or odd number. Refer to the illustration attached as exhibit C to ordinance 03-1179.
(C) North/South - East/West Streets: A north/south or east/west street is designed to provide vehicular access to abutting property in a grid system. East/west streets can intersect north/south streets. The north and west sides of the street shall be even numbers. The south and east sides of the street shall be assigned odd numbers. Refer to the illustration attached as exhibit D to ordinance 03-1179.
(D) Trending Street: A trending street is designed to bend back and forth with few straight areas. The street will be considered as trending in the direction in which it covers the greatest distance being north/south or east/west. Trending streets shall be addressed in the same manner as the north/south or east/west streets. Refer to the illustration attached as exhibit E to ordinance 03-1179.
(E) Diagonal Street: A diagonal street is designed to extend as a line on an angle. The street shall be addressed in the direction in which it covers the greatest distance being north/south or east/west. Refer to the illustration attached as exhibit F to ordinance 03-1179.
(8) If one structure has several units designed for individual occupancy and each unit is accessed from outside of the structure, then each unit shall have its own address. If individual units are accessed solely from within the structure, then the structure shall have an address and each unit within shall use the same address and have an individual sequential unit letter or number. For structures having several main entrances, each leading to separate groups of units, each main entrance shall have its own address and units accessed from within that entrance shall use that address and have an individual sequential unit letter or number. An exception to this subsection is a motel/hotel where one address shall be assigned to each building and each room for rent shall use the same address and have an individual sequential unit letter or number.
(9) For private drives and interior parking bays and group housing/commercial developments, generally numbers shall be assigned to all dwelling units or structures facing a parking bay, private drive, or interior courts, as if they were facing upon the main street to which the driveway connects. The numbers shall remain in numerical sequence.
(10) On a corner lot, the address assigned shall be assigned according to the direction that the principal building faces. The address should correspond with the location of the primary entrance door. In some cases the address shall be assigned by the location of the driveway due to site design circumstances.
(11) When practicable, the continuation of an existing street shall have the same name as the existing street.
(12) When a street makes a ninety degree (90°) turn at any point and it is determined by the village of Shorewood that it is necessary to avoid confusion in the delivery of emergency services, a change in street name shall occur to eliminate confusion.
(13) The name of the new street shall not duplicate or mimic the name of existing streets within the area served by the same post office, fire department, or other emergency service organizations.
(14) In areas where there are numerous structures on a private road and there are not enough numbers available in the appropriate range, the village of Shorewood has the authority to increase the number range in that particular area.
3. Procedure For Receiving Village Address:
a. Individual Address Assignment:
(1) The request shall be made to the village of Shorewood. Addresses will be provided only with property identification numbers (PINs), or in cases where it is not possible to obtain a PIN, a legal description and/or plat of survey or annexation, or subdivision lot number shall be required.
(2) Once the request is made, the parcel shall be located on a map, air photograph, subdivision plat, or other media suitable to determine the correct address. Surrounding addresses will need to be reviewed to address parcels based within the village address system.
(3) Once the address is assigned, the owners of the property and the new address shall be listed in the official records of the village of Shorewood. Said assigned address shall be the official address of the property on the effective date shown on the notice pursuant to the requirements of this section.
(4) For new structures, addresses shall be given out when a building permit has been applied for and received if an address has not previously been assigned to the parcel by the village of Shorewood. If the parcel has an existing address assigned pursuant to the Will County street numbering system, that number will be compared to the village system and the village shall determine if the existing number conforms reasonably to the village system, in which event, the existing number for the parcel shall be used for the new structure. No certificate of occupancy will be issued until the number has been assigned or accepted by the village of Shorewood, and is permanently attached to the structure in the manner required by this section.
b. Residential Subdivision Address Assignments:
(1) Prior to final plat approval, two (2) copies of the proposed plat of subdivision must be submitted to the village of Shorewood at a scale of one inch equals one hundred feet (1" = 100') with each lot clearly identified. The plat must include the legal description of the entire subdivision. These copies of the plat are in addition to any other copies of the plat required by the village as part of the review of an application for approval of a final plat.
(2) Once the addresses are assigned, the developer will receive a printout with the lot number with the corresponding address and one plat.
(3) Prior to final plat approval, the developer shall submit to the village of Shorewood one address plat with the official addresses located on it at a scale of one inch equals one hundred feet (1" = 100') and two (2) reduced, reproducible copies of the plat for convenient dispersal to other agencies. Developers shall distribute the addresses as lots are sold. The developer shall provide the police, fire and ambulance services servicing the subdivision and 9-1-1 with a copy of the address plat. The emergency services entities will have two (2) weeks from the date of receipt of the address plat to respond, in writing, to the village of Shorewood and the developer with any objection(s) to the street names or addresses assigned.
(4) The village of Shorewood shall be furnished, by the developer, with a copy of the subdivision plat with the addresses located on the parcels, at the scale of one inch equals one hundred feet (1" = 100') and one reduced, reproducible copy no larger than eleven inches by seventeen inches (11" x 17").
(5) If changes in the plat of subdivision are made after the addresses have been assigned the developer shall be required to repeat the steps in subsections A3b(1), A3b(3), A3b(4) of this section.
4. Notification Of Number Change And Enforcement:
a. In all cases, property owners, tax assessees of record or person(s) having use or control of the property shall receive official notification of the change in address in advance of the change. These notices shall state the old and new addresses, effective date of the change, and penalty for not displaying the new number.
b. All property owners, tax assessees of record or person(s) having use or control of the property shall display the address number assigned to the property by the village of Shorewood within thirty (30) days of the effective date of said address assignment in the manner provided in this section.
5. Display Of Address Numbers:
a. Principal Buildings Shall Be Numbered: All principal buildings in the village of Shorewood shall be numbered with the address number assigned by the village of Shorewood. It is the duty of the owner, agent, tax assessee or person in possession or control of every principal building in the village to display this number prescribed in this section.
b. Numbers:
(1) The numbers shall be displayed so as to be easily located and read from the nearest common roadway by emergency personnel (numbers shall not be placed on doors, gates or other movable objects),
(2) For multiple-building facilities which have a common mailing address, the number should be on the street side of the building nearest the street or roadway, or
(3) For buildings too distant from the street to permit easy legibility from the street, or for buildings not clearly visible from the street for whatever cause, numbers shall be affixed to any reasonable, permanent, freestanding object, readily legible from the street and so located as to clearly identify the applicable building. Numbers shall not be placed on doors, gates or other movable objects.
c. Number Specifications: Such numbers shall be in Arabic numerals no less than six inches (6") high and one-half inch (1/2") stroke. Colors should be of a contrasting color with the surface on which they are mounted. Industrial and warehouse buildings shall have numerals no less than six inches (6") high.
d. Removal Or Defacement Of Building Numbers Prohibited: No person shall remove or deface any building number placed upon any building in accordance with the provisions of this section.
e. Display Of Numbers Other Than Address Numbers Prohibited: No person shall retain any number on his building other than the number provided by the provisions of this section.
f. Conformity Required: No owner, agent, tax assessee, or person in possession or control of any building shall refuse or neglect to have numbered such building or permit the same to be numbered not in conformity with this section.
B. Street Signs:
1. Design Of Street Signs:
a. All street signs located in the village of Shorewood shall:
(1) Be erected at all street intersections regardless of other route marking that may be present.
(2) Be lettered with lettering at least four inches (4") high. Supplementary lettering to indicate the type of street (e.g., street, avenue, road, etc.) or section of the village (e.g., N., W.) may be in smaller lettering, but must be at least two inches (2") high. Abbreviations shall not be used for the street name itself.
(3) Have a reflective surface or be illuminated.
(4) Have a legend and background of contrasting colors and shall have a green message (including village name and logo) and border on a white background.
(5) Be placed at least on diagonally opposite corners so that they will be on the far right hand side of the intersection for traffic on the major street in business districts and on principal arterials. Signs naming both streets shall be erected at each location. They shall be mounted on their faces parallel to the streets they name.
(6) Be mounted at each intersection in residential districts.
b. On intersection related approaches, a supplemental street name sign may be erected separately or below an intersection warning sign. When combined with a yellow diamond sign, the color should be a black message on a yellow background.
c. Street signs for designating street names shall be of the formats as specified in this section or as near to that format as practicable. The sign shall tell the common street name and the address boundary for that intersection.
C. Street Names:
1. Street Names:
a. The continuation of an existing street shall have the same name as the existing street.
b. When a street makes a ninety degree (90°) turn at any point and it is determined by the village of Shorewood that it is necessary to avoid confusion in the delivery of emergency services, a change in street name shall occur to eliminate confusion.
c. The name of the new street cannot duplicate, mimic, or resemble the name of existing streets within the area served by the same post office, fire department, or other emergency service organizations.
d. Unacceptable names: Numerical names (1st, 2nd, etc.); alphabetical letters (A, B, C, etc.); frivolous, complicated, or undesirable names; unconventional spellings; compound names. A numerical name, however, can be used if the street name number is consistent with the adopted address grid system.
e. Names shall not include "east", "west", "north", and "south", as part of the name, except as they are used in the directional title of the street by the village of Shorewood.
f. The following will be the standard abbreviations for signs:
Drive - DR
Road - RD
Circle - CIR
Court - CT
Street - ST
Lane - LN
Place - PL
Square - SQ
Terrace - TERR
Parkway - PKWY
Avenue - AVE
Boulevard - BLVD
Way - WAY
Junction - JCT
Loop - LOOP
2. Subdivisions:
a. It is the responsibility of the developer to propose street names to the village of Shorewood. The village will in turn verify all street names to eliminate duplicate or similar names in emergency service areas.
b. The developer of all new subdivisions shall furnish the initial road sign and signpost and ensure the installation of the road signs to standard specifications. All signs shall be installed prior to the construction of buildings and shall be maintained by the developer at all times until the dedication of the streets is accepted by the village of Shorewood.
D. Address Map: A map, entitled "The Village Of Shorewood Official Address Base Map", is attached to ordinance 03-1179 as exhibit A, and made part of this section. This map shall delineate the address base grid, and indicate all areas of the village subject to the provisions of this section. In the event that a parcel or parcels of land become annexed to the village, this section and map shall be used to assign addresses and to name streets within the area annexed.
E. Implementation: The assigning of address numbers and street names under the provisions of this section shall be a continuing process.
F. Penalty: Any person, firm, or corporation who violates, disobeys, neglects, or refuses to comply with any provision of this section, shall be subject to a fine of not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each offense. Each day a violation is permitted to exist after notification thereof shall constitute a separate offense. (Ord. 03-1179, 8-26-2003)