The following open burning activities are permitted within the village:
   A.   The setting of fires by the forest preserve district of Will County on property owned or controlled by it, to perform prescribed burning for natural community and habitat management;
   B.   The setting of fires to combat or limit existing fires, when reasonable and necessary in the judgment of the responsible government official;
   C.   The burning of fuels for legitimate campfire, recreational, and cooking purposes, or in domestic fireplaces, in areas which such burning is consistent with other laws, provided that no garbage shall be burned in such cases;
   D.   Small open flames for heating tar or for welding, acetylene torches, highway safety flares, and the like;
   E.   The burning of the tree limbs on the property where they were generated. (Ord. 02-1113, 7-23-2002, eff. 7-23-2002)