The 2018 International Building Code is hereby adopted as the Building Code for the village, with the conditions listed below as divisions (A) through (E) below.
   (A)   If there is any conflict between the administrative provisions of the Code and the provisions of §§ 151.340 through 151.351 of this Development Code, the provisions of §§ 151.340 through 151.351 shall prevail.
   (B)   If there is any conflict between the substantive (non-administrative) provisions of the Code and the substantive provisions of this Development Code, the more stringent regulation shall prevail.
   (C)   Payment of fees to read as outlined in Chapter 34 of the Village Codified Ordinance Book.
   (D)   Fee schedule to read as outlined in Chapter 34 of the Village Codified Ordinance Book.
   (E)   Violations to read as outlined in Chapter 34 of the Village Codified Ordinance Book.
(Am. Ord. 2021-10-04A, passed 10-4-2021)
   Fees, see Chapter 34