It is unlawful for any person in any part of the City to make, or cause to be made, loud or disturbing noises with any mechanical devices operating by compressed air and used for the purpose of assisting braking on any truck. The City shall cause notices to be posted or signs erected indicating such prohibition.
No equine animals are permitted upon or within any Sheldon Recreational Trail (walking-biking trail). The driver of any motorized vehicle (other than an emergency or other official vehicle) shall not drive upon or within any Sheldon Recreational Trail (walking-biking trail) area except at a driveway or sidewalk.
Golf carts may be operated on City streets and alleys within the City limits by persons at least 18 years of age and possessing a valid driver’s license. The operation of golf carts on City streets and alleys as provided above are subject to the following additional conditions:
1. For purposes of this section, a “golf cart” shall not include any vehicle that is an all-terrain vehicle (ATV), off-road utility vehicle (UTV), or snowmobile as those terms are defined in Section 75.02.
2. A person operating a golf cart in the City must be at least 18 years of age and possess a valid drivers’ license.
3. The owner or operator of a golf cart must maintain and provide current proof of financial responsibility in accordance with Section 321.20B of the Code of Iowa. The owner and operator of a golf cart are liable for any injury or damage occasioned by the negligent operation of that golf cart.
4. A golf cart operator shall observe and obey all traffic regulations and traffic control devices.
5. A golf cart shall be equipped with the following:
A. A slow-moving vehicle sign above the rear bumper of the cart.
B. A bicycle safety flag that shall be displayed five or more feet above the surface of the street.
C. Adequate brakes.
D. Headlights.
E. Taillights.
F. Brake lights.
G. Working turn signals.
H. A working seat belt for each passenger riding in the golf cart.
6. A golf cart shall not be operated upon a City street which is a primary road extension (this prohibition shall include HWY 18 and HWY 60) through the City, but shall be allowed to directly cross a City street that is a primary road extension through the City. Golf carts shall not be operated on sidewalks or trails.
7. A golf cart shall only be operated on permitted City streets and alleys from sunrise to sunset.
8. Whenever a golf cart is involved in an accident resulting in injury or death to any person, or property damage amounting to $1,500.00 or more, either the operator or someone acting for the operator shall immediately notify a law enforcement officer.