§ 20.203 VACANCIES
   (A)   If one (1) or more vacancies on the City Council occur in a way that one (1) or more members remain seated, the remaining members shall, within thirty (30) days, fill the vacancies one (1) at a time, giving each new appointee reasonable notice of his or her selection as will enable him to meet and act with the remaining members in making further appointments until all vacancies are filled.
   (B)   If vacancies occur in a way that all seats become vacant, the Governor shall appoint qualified persons to fill the vacancies sufficient to constitute a quorum. Remaining vacancies shall be filled as provided in subsection (A).
   (C)   If for any reason a vacancy in the office of Council Member is not filled within thirty (30) days after it occurs, the Governor shall promptly fill the vacancy by appointment of a qualified person who shall serve for the same period as if otherwise appointed.
(KRS 83A.040)
   No vacancy by reason of a voluntary resignation in the office of Council Member shall occur unless a written resignation which specifies a resignation date is tendered to the City Council. The resignation may be submitted through electronic mail if it originates from the official’s electronic mail address and includes also the official’s handwritten signature. The resignation shall be effective at the next regular meeting of the City Council.
(KRS 83A.040)
§ 20.205 QUORUM
   A majority of the Council shall constitute a quorum and a vote of a majority of a quorum shall be sufficient to take action.
(KRS 83A.060(6))
§ 20.206 REMOVAL
   (A)   Any elected officer, in case of misconduct, incapacity, or willful neglect in the performance of the duties of his or her office, may be removed from office by a unanimous vote of the City Council, exclusive of any member to be removed who shall not vote in the deliberation of his or her removal.
   (B)   No elected officer shall be removed without having been given the right to a full public hearing. The officer, if removed, shall have the right to appeal to the Shelby Circuit Court, and the appeal shall be on the record.
   (C)   No officer so removed shall be eligible to fill the office vacated before the expiration of the term to which he was originally elected.
(KRS 83A.040)
§ 20.207 IMMUNITY
   For anything said in debate, City Council Members shall be entitled to the same immunities and protections allowed members of the General Assembly.
(KRS 83A.060(15))
§ 20.208 MEETINGS
   (A)   The Mayor shall preside at meetings of the City Council.
   (B)   The regular meetings of the City Council shall be held at 5:30 p.m. on the first and third Thursday in each month at the City Hall, or another place in the city as the Council may for the time being designate. At least one (1) regular meeting of the City Council shall be held each month.
(Ord. 95-04-13, passed 4-13-95)
   (C)   Special meetings of the City Council may be called by the Mayor or upon written request of a majority of the Council. In the call, the Mayor or Council shall designate the purpose, the time and place of the special meeting with sufficient notice for the attendance of Council members and for compliance with KRS Chapter 61. At a special meeting no business may be considered other than that set forth in the designation of purpose.
   (D)   The minutes of every meeting shall be signed by the City Clerk/Deputy City Clerk.
(KRS 83A.130) (Am. Ord. 2024-05-02, passed 5-2-24)
§ 20.209 DUTIES
   (A)   The legislative authority of the city shall be vested in and exercised by the City Council. The Council shall not perform any executive functions except those functions assigned to it by statute.
   (B)   The Council shall, by ordinance, establish all appointive offices and the duties and responsibilities of those offices and codes, rules and regulations for the public health, safety and welfare.
   (C)   The Council shall, by ordinance, provide for sufficient revenue to operate city government and shall appropriate the funds of the city in a budget which shall provide for the orderly management of city resources.
   (D)   The Council shall have the right to investigate all activities of city government. The Council may require any city officer or employee to prepare and submit to it sworn statements regarding his performance of his official duties. Any statement required by the Council to be submitted or any investigation undertaken by the Council, if any office, department, or agency under the jurisdiction of the Mayor is involved, shall not be submitted or undertaken unless and until written notice of the Council's action is given to the Mayor. The Mayor shall have the right to review any statement before submission to the Council and to appear personally or through his designee on behalf of any department, office, or agency in the course of any investigation.
(KRS 83A.130)