§ 40.223 WIDTH
   No person shall operate on any street or public way in the city, any of the following trucks, trailers, mobile homes, or vehicles:
   (A)   Any motor truck, semi-trailer, trailer, mobile home, or vehicle which exceeds ninety-six (96) inches in width, including any part of the body or load.
(KRS 189.221)
   (B)   The city, as authorized by KRS 189.280(3), may, by ordinance, increase the width regulations set forth in this section, but such an increase shall be subject to the limits set forth in KRS 189.222(1).
Penalty, see § 40.999
§ 40.224 BRAKES, TIRES
   (A)   A person shall not operate any commercial motor vehicle with a declared gross weight of over ten thousand (10,000) pounds on any street or public way of the city unless it is equipped with efficient brakes that meet the federal motor carrier safety standards in 49 C.F.R. Part 393 and may be operated by the operator of the vehicle.
(KRS 189.090(4))
   (B)   All motor trucks, semi-trailer trucks, trailers, and tractors shall be equipped with solid rubber or rubber-compounded tires.
Penalty, see § 40.999
Statutory reference:
   Maximum weight on tires, see KRS 189.200
   (A)   The Mayor may, in his discretion, upon application in writing and good cause being shown therefor, issue a special permit in writing, authorizing the applicant to operate or move a vehicle or combination of vehicles of a size, weight, width, length, or height exceeding the maximum provided for in this subchapter. Application for such permit shall state the proposed maximum axle loads, minimum axle loads, minimum axle spacing of each such vehicle, vehicles, or combination thereof, and the height, length, and width of such vehicle with its loads, also the specific streets or public ways over which permit for operation is requested, and the time of such operation. The application shall show whether the permit is requested for a single trip or for continued operation.
   (B)   The Mayor is authorized to issue or withhold such permit in his discretion or to limit the number of trips, or to establish seasonable or other time limitations and routes within which and over which the vehicles described may operate on the public ways indicated, or may otherwise limit the prescribed conditions of operation of such vehicles when necessary to insure against undue damage to the street, foundations, surfaces, or structure. He may require a fee for the operation of such vehicle if in his opinion it may damage the public ways. He may require the posting of a bond with sufficient surety to be approved by him to indemnify the city against any damage which may occur to person or property by reason of the operation under the special permit.
   (C)   Every such permit shall be carried in the vehicle or combination of vehicles to which it refers and shall be open to inspection by any peace officer, and it shall be a misdemeanor for any person to violate any of the terms or conditions of such special permit.
Penalty, see § 40.999
Statutory reference:
   Increased height, length and weight limits on designated highways, see KRS 189.222
   Maximum weight permitted on highway, see KRS 189.210(2)
   Special permits to exceed limits, see KRS 189.270
   (A)   Any peace officer having reason to believe that the height, length, width, or weight of any motor truck, semi-trailer truck, or trailer is in excess of the maximum limits prescribed by §§ 40.220 through 40.223 or permitted by any special permit issued under § 40.225 and in the possession of the operator, may measure it or weigh it either by portable or stationary scales, and may require it to be driven to the nearest scales, if such scales are within a distance of five (5) miles from the point at which the vehicle is first directed to stop.
   (B)   If the officer shall determine that the operation of the motor truck, semi-trailer, or trailer, was unlawful, he shall require the operator of that motor truck, semi-trailer truck, or trailer to unload that portion of the load as may be necessary to decrease the gross weight of the vehicle to the maximum gross weight permitted under the terms of § 40.221, or he may, at the election of the operator, permit the operator to unload the excess load. The excess load shall be unloaded at the sole risk of the owner.
(KRS 189.223) Penalty, see § 40.999
   (A)   It shall be unlawful for any person or corporation controlling, managing, or operating any railroad, or line of railroads through the city, to cause or permit its trains, engines, or cars to cross any street of the city where the tracks of the railroad crosses the street at grade without causing the train's engines or cars to come to a full stop within not less than fifty (50) feet nor more than one hundred (100) feet of the crossing, and give notice of its approach by ringing a bell. This division shall not apply to any crossing where a flagman or guard gates are provided and kept by that person or corporation.
   (B)   Trains approaching the crossing on Seventh Street, south of Main Street, from the west and going in an easterly direction shall not be required to stop, but shall not be operated over the crossing at a speed greater than six (6) miles per hour. However, at the crossing no cars or rolling stock shall be in any event left stationary on the switch adjacent thereto within fifty (50) feet from the center of Seventh Street, nor elsewhere on the switch except for a time as is necessary for loading or unloading same.
   (C)   The Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company is required to erect and maintain an arc light or gate at the crossing of its railroad at Seventh and Eighth Streets. The Southern Railroad Company is required to maintain an arc light or gate at the crossing of its railroad at Seventh Street in the city. No companies shall fail to erect and maintain this arc light or gate at those places after thirty (30) days from the adoption, approval, and publication of this division. Those companies shall have the privilege of erecting and maintaining either an arc light or gate at those places.
Penalty, see § 40.999
Statutory reference:
   City may grant rights-of-way to utilities; conditions, see KRS 96.070