The following uses shall be permitted, subject to the provisions of § 1262.05 and the review and approval by the City Planning Commission:
   (a)   Outdoor sales space for the exclusive sale of new or secondhand automobiles, house trailers, campers, manufactured homes or boats, or the rental of any of the above, provided that the lighting thereof shall in no way impair the safe movement of traffic or shine directly onto adjacent properties. The lot or area shall be provided with a permanent, durable and dustless surface and shall be graded and drained so as to dispose of all surface water. No major repair shall be done on the lot.
   (b)   Motels, provided that each sleeping unit shall contain not less than 200 square feet of floor area and that no guest shall establish a residence for more than 60 consecutive days within any calendar year.
   (c)   Retail sales of plant material not grown on the site and sales of lawn furniture, playground equipment and garden supplies, provided that a four- foot high obscuring fence shall be required on any side abutting an R-Residential District.
   (d)   Sexually oriented businesses as defined in § 1260.09, provided that the parcel of land upon which said business is located shall be a minimum of 750 feet from a religious institution, a public or private school, a public park or recreation area, a public building or hospital, the property line of a residence or a lot included within a residential district as defined in § 838.02(a)(34), a boundary of a residential or historic district as defined in § 838.02(a)(18), or 500 feet from another sexually oriented business.
(Ord. 21-95, passed 12-4-1995; Ord. 29-2010, passed 12-6-2010)