(a)   This section establishes the minimum standards by which vehicular use areas will be landscaped and screened from adjacent public streets or from adjacent properties. In addition, this section delineates standards for landscaping within the interior of parking areas.
   (b)   Whenever required landscaping is adjacent to vehicular use areas, such screening shall be protected by bollards, wheel blocks, or curbing to avoid damage by vehicles.
   (c)   Interior Landscaping.
      (1)   Any vehicular use area that contains twenty (20) or more parking spaces shall provide interior landscaping in addition to any other required perimeter landscaping. See Section 1117.04(d).
      (2)   Parking lots with more than six (6) spaces in any zoning district shall provide landscaping within each vehicular use area at a minimum ratio of five percent (5%) of the gross area of the vehicular use area (including all drive and parking aisles).
      (3)   A minimum of five percent (5%) of the gross area of the total vehicular use area (including all parking spaces, waiting spaces or lanes, loading spaces, and driveways) shall be landscaped in accordance with this section. See Figure 1117-A.
Figure 1117-A: Illustration of landscaped island calculations
      (4)   The use of depressed landscaping island, bioswales, and rain gardens are encouraged as a method of complying with these standards.
      (5)   No more than twenty (20) spaces shall be located in a continuous row without being interrupted by a landscaped island unless the island is used for stormwater infiltration.
      (6)   Landscaped islands or peninsulas shall have a minimum area of 100 square feet.
      (7)   Landscaped islands or peninsulas shall be vegetated with grass, shrubs, or similar plant material not to exceed three (3) feet in height. Each landscaped island shall be planted with a deciduous tree that shall have a clear trunk of at least five (5) feet above the ground.
   (d)   Perimeter Landscaping.
      (1)   When a vehicular use area is located within 100 feet of a side or rear lot line that is adjacent to a residential zoning district, a perimeter screening shall be installed that effectively conceals the vehicular use area from the adjoining land in a residential zoning district.
      (2)   The screening may use earth mounds, a planting strip, hedge, fence material, or any combination thereof to provide for a one hundred percent (100%) opaque screen of the vehicular use area within two (2) years of installation or planting.
         (Ord. 2879. Passed 10-23-23.)