(a)   Principal Uses.
      (1)   Only those uses listed in this code (See Section 1107.05.) as a permitted use in the underlying base zoning district, whether permitted as-of-right, permitted with standards, or permitted as a conditional use, may be considered in the application of a PUD.
      (2)   In general, any use-specific standards that apply to a use in Table 1107 3 shall also apply to those same uses in a PUD. However, the Planning Commission and Village Council may adjust or waive any of those use-specific standards (See Section 1107.06.) based on unique circumstances specific to the applicable development.
      (3)   As part of any approval, the Planning Commission and/or Village Council may restrict the uses permitted within an individual PUD by adopting a list of uses permitted within the PUD.
      (4)   Any changes in uses within an approved PUD shall be required to be reviewed as part of a major PUD amendment.
   (b)   Accessory Uses.
      (1)   Unless otherwise allowed for in the approved plans, accessory uses associated with development in a PUD shall be allowed in accordance with the following:
         A.   Accessory uses permitted in the R District shall be allowed on lots with any single-family dwelling.
         B.   Accessory uses allowed in the M-1 District shall be allowed on lots with any multi-family dwelling.
         C.   Accessory uses allowed in the C-3 or I-1 Districts shall be allowed on lots with nonresidential uses.
         D.   Any allowed accessory uses shall still comply with the applicable accessory use-specific standards established in this code in Section 1111.01.
      (2)   As part of any approval, the Planning Commission and/or Village Council may restrict the accessory uses permitted within an individual PUD.
         (Ord. 2879. Passed 10-23-23.)