All workmanship, equipment, materials and articles incorporated in the work shall be new and of the best grade of their respective kinds for the purpose. The contractor shall furnish to the Village, for its approval, the name of manufacturers of machinery, mechanical or other equipment, which he or she contemplates installing, together with their performance capacities and other pertinent information. If not otherwise provided, materials or work called for shall be furnished and performed in accordance with well known established practice and standards recognized by architects, engineers and the trades.
   When required by these specifications, or when called for by the Village, the contractor shall furnish the Village, for its approval, full information concerning the materials or articles which he or she contemplates incorporating in the work. Samples of materials shall be submitted for approval when so directed.
   All materials and workmanship shall be guaranteed by the contractor and the surety for a period of one year from the date of final acceptance, and this guarantee must be covered in the surety bond for the work.
(Ord. 352. Passed 10-22-62.)