EDITOR'S NOTE: This chapter pertains only to the members of the Police Department and full-time employees not otherwise contractually bound with the City. Copies of the contracts covering AFSMC employees and members of the Fire Department are on file with the Clerk of Council.
169.01 Bonds.
169.02 Compensation; pay periods.
169.03 Full-time employee economic benefits.
169.04 Overtime compensation.
169.05 Temporary employees.
169.06 Disclosure of confidential information.
169.07 Equal employment opportunity.
169.08 Part-time employee sick leave.
Council to fix salaries and bonds - see CHTR. Art. IV, §7
Nominations and elections - see CHTR. Art. IX, §1
Recall- see CHTR. Art. X, §2
Oath of office - see CHTR. Art. XIII, §6
Expenses - see Ohio R.C. 733.79, 737.23
Civil service classification - see ADM. 157.02
(1) Director of Finance $100,000
(2) Mayor 20,000
(b) All employees and officials of the City, other than those mentioned in subsection (a) hereof, shall be covered by a blanket insurance policy in the amount of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000).
(c) The premiums for all bonds mentioned herein shall be paid for by the City.
(d) The condition of all bonds mentioned herein shall be the faithful charge of the employee's or the official's duties.
(Ord. 54-20. Passed 11-24-20.)
(a) Council finds that a uniform payday and pay period would be conducive to the promotion of better relations and conditions among municipal employees.
(b) All employees who are compensated on an hourly basis shall be paid on every other Friday.
(c) Except as set forth in Ordinance No. 60-19 passed November 12, 2019 all employees who are compensated on a yearly basis shall be paid on a twenty-six pay period per year basis. The pay period of all salaried employees shall be determined by dividing the annual salary into twenty-six equal parts and paying one twenty-sixth on every other Friday.
(d) The Mayor, members of Council, Magistrate, and Civil Service Secretary are specifically exempt from the provisions of this section.
(e) The Director of Finance is hereby directed and authorized to pay employees in conformity with the provisions of this section. These provisions shall neither increase nor diminish any salary or hourly rate of pay.
(Ord. 54-20. Passed 11-24-20.)