Upon publication of the Codified Ordinances, the Clerk of Council shall deliver one (1) complete Code to the Mayor, one (1) to the Clerk of Shaker Heights Municipal Court, one (1) to each member of Council, one (1) to the head of each department and division of the City, and a complete copy of such component codes to the employees in each department or division as may be requested by the director or head thereof. He shall sell the complete code and the codes separately, at such prices as Council from time to time may fix. The Clerk of Council shall have authority to exchange copies of the Codified Ordinances with other cities and may, in his discretion, deliver copies to libraries. The Clerk of Council shall prepare and distribute, periodically, the amendments and supplements of the Codified Ordinances.
(Ord. 60-118. Enacted 7-11-60.)