A.    Building Height.
      1.   The maximum height of a principal structure in the I Institutional District shall not exceed three (3) stories or forty-five (45) feet, except for steeples or tower elements which may extend to a total height of seventy (70) feet above grade.
      2.    The general requirement above applies only to structures erected after the effective date of this Code provided, however, no structure existing on such effective date shall be expanded in violation of this regulation.
      3.    New or modified structures which exceed the general requirement above may be permitted pursuant to a Conditional Use Permit if such height is no higher than that of the adjacent development.
   B.    Rooftop Mechanical Equipment. Rooftop mechanical housing and equipment may extend up to ten (10) feet above the maximum height limit and shall be designed as an integral part of the principal building or concealed with similar architectural treatment and materials as the exterior of the building.
   C.    Accessory Uses and Structures. The maximum height of Accessory Uses and Structures shall be pursuant to Chapter 1262, Accessory Uses and Structures.