(A) Primary approval.
(1) An applicant for development plan approval shall submit an application accompanied by all information, materials and fees required by the Plan Commission Rules of Procedure.
(2) The Plan Commission shall determine if the development plan is consistent with the comprehensive plan; and satisfies the development requirements specified in this chapter.
(3) The Plan Commission may do the following:
(a) Impose conditions on the approval of a development plan if the conditions are reasonably necessary to satisfy the development requirements specified in the zoning ordinance for approval of the development plan.
(b) Provide that approval of a development plan is conditioned on the furnishing to the Plan Commission of a bond or written assurance that:
1. Guarantees the timely completion of a proposed public improvement in the proposed development; and
2. Is satisfactory to the Plan Commission.
(c) Permit or require the owner of real property to make a written commitment as provided in § 157.027(A)(3).
(4) The Plan Commission shall make written findings concerning each decision to approve or disapprove a development plan. The Plan Commission president is hereby designated as the official authorized to sign the written findings.
(B) Secondary approval. The staff is hereby authorized to grant secondary approval of Development Plans. After meeting all conditions of primary approval, the applicant may submit the development plan for secondary approval. The staff shall review the application and if all conditions have been met, the staff shall grant secondary approval. Any refusal to grant secondary approval may be appealed to the Plan Commission.
(Ord. 17, 2006, passed 11-27-2006)
(A) Districts established. The city is hereby divided into zoning districts as detailed in this subchapter to carry out the purposes of this chapter. These districts are described in this subchapter. The boundaries are as shown on the official zoning map.
(B) Overlay districts. In addition to all requirements of the underlying zoning district, overlay districts are subject to any additional regulations superimposed by the terms of this chapter.
(Ord. 17, 2006, passed 11-27-2006)
(A) Purpose. The residential districts in this section are created for the following purposes:
(1) Provide appropriately located areas for a variety of types of residential development that are consistent with the Seymour Comprehensive Plan and with standards of public health and safety established by this chapter and any other appropriate governmental body;
(2) Ensure adequate light, air, privacy and open space for each dwelling;
(3) Insulate residents from the harmful effects of excessive noise, population density, traffic congestion, and other significant adverse environmental effects;
(4) Protect residential areas from fires, explosions, toxic fumes and substances, and other public safety hazards;
(5) Provide sites for public and semipublic land uses needed to complement residential development or requiring a residential environment; and
(6) Ensure the provision of public services and facilities needed to accommodate planned population densities.
(B) Districts. The residential districts listed below are hereby created in the city and its jurisdictional area, for the purposes stated.
(1) RS, suburban residential district. The purpose of the RS district is to accommodate residential subdivisions on relatively large parcels in developing areas of the community. For areas not served by public sewers, the lot sizes will be increased to properly accommodate septic systems.
(2) RS-1, suburban residential district. The purpose of the RS -1 district is to accommodate existing and new residential subdivisions served by approved infrastructure. This district is intended for single-family development on relatively large parcels.
(3) R-1, urban residential district. The purpose of the R-1 district is to accommodate existing
high-density residential development and infill development in urban areas served by approved infrastructure.
(4) R-2, multifamily residential district. The purpose of the R-2 district is to accommodate multifamily dwellings in appropriate locations served by approved infrastructure.
(5) R-3, neighborhood residential district. The purpose of the R-3 district is to protect and enhance older neighborhoods in Seymour. These neighborhoods often contain a mixture of housing types on relatively small lots.
(6) R-4, manufactured home district. The purpose R-4 district is to provide suitable locations for manufactured housing developments in areas served by approved infrastructure.
(Ord. 17, 2006, passed 11-27-2006)
(A) Purpose. The commercial districts are established for the following purposes:
(1) To provide appropriately located areas for a full range of office and commercial uses for Seymour residents, visitors, businesses, and workers;
(2) To strengthen Seymour's economic base, and to provide employment opportunities; and
(3) To create suitable environments for various types of commercial uses, and protect them from the adverse effects of incompatible uses.
(B) Districts. The commercial districts listed below are hereby created in the city and its jurisdictional area, for the purposes stated.
(1) C-1, Neighborhood commercial district. The C-1, neighborhood commercial district, is intended to provide suitable locations for businesses provided goods and services needed on a day-to-day basis by nearby residents.
(2) C-2, general commercial district. The C-2, general commercial district, is intended to provide suitable locations for establishments offering a full range of goods and services to the public.
(3) C-3, highway commercial district. The C-3, highway commercial district, is intended to provide suitable locations for establishments offering goods and services to the traveling public and to accommodate those businesses that require highway locations and large traffic volumes.
(4) C-4, central business district. The C-4, central business district, is intended as the traditional center of commerce for the city. This district is characterized by traditional downtown development patterns and uses, including buildings located close to the street, pedestrian orientation, financial and government centers, retail and entertainment uses.
(5) C-5, commercial industrial district. The C-5, commercial industrial district, is intended to provide suitable locations for uses that have characteristics of both commercial and industrial uses, such as office/warehouse development, light manufacturing with a retail component, or storage uses with showrooms.
(Ord. 17, 2006, passed 11-27-2006)
The industrial districts listed are hereby created in the city and its jurisdictional area, for the purposes stated.
(A) Purpose and intent. The industrial districts are established for the following purposes:
(1) To provide appropriately located areas consistent with the Seymour Comprehensive Plan for a variety of industrial uses;
(2) To strengthen the city's economic base, and provide employment opportunities close to home for residents of the city and surrounding communities;
(3) To create suitable environments for various types of and industrial uses, and protect them from the adverse effects of incompatible uses;
(B) Districts.
(1) I-1, enclosed industrial district. The I-1, enclosed industrial district, is intended to provide suitable locations for manufacturing or research operations that are conducted entirely within enclosed buildings and do not emit nuisance factors such as noise, air pollution, heat or glare outside of the buildings.
(2) I-2, general industrial district. The I-2, general industrial district, is intended to provide suitable locations for industrial operations that require outside storage of materials or goods and which may have nuisance factors that make them incompatible in other areas.
(3) I-3, Industrial park district. The I-3, industrial park district, is intended to provide for development of new industrial areas, planned as a unit and providing a campus-like environment for new economic enterprises.
(Ord. 17, 2006, passed 11-27-2006)
(A) Purpose and intent. The purpose of the overlay districts is to accommodate special situations that are not generally appropriate to a zoning district. Overlay districts are areas representing a significant community resource. The overlay zones may encompass one or more underlying zoning districts, and the provisions of the overlay district are superimposed upon the property included in the district. An overlay district is shown on the zoning district map and constitutes a second level of development standards in addition to those specified by the underlying zoning district.
(B) Districts.
(1) O-1, US 50 corridor overlay district. The O-1, US 50 corridor overlay district, is intended to provide an attractive business corridor through Seymour, with appropriate traffic access control, landscaping, and other features.
(2) O-2, traditional neighborhood overlay district. The O-2, traditional neighborhood overlay district is intended to preserve traditional neighborhood patterns (including building size, mass, placement, etc.) and uses (including mixed use) and to encourage compatible infill development.
(3) O-3, historic overlay district. The O-3, historic overlay district, is intended to protect and conserve existing buildings and areas of historic significance.
(Ord. 17, 2006, passed 11-27-2006)