(A) Development plans. All development of commercial centers or structures larger than 20,000 square feet in business districts is subject to development plan approval, as provided in § 157.032.
(B) Residential uses. In the C-1 and C-4 districts, single-family residences are permitted only in the same building with one or more commercial uses. In the C-2, C-3, and C-5 districts, detached single-family residences are allowed only as accessory uses to commercial uses, such housing for on-site managers or security personnel (§ 157.055, Accessory uses).
(C) Establishment size. In the C-1 district, no individual establishment may exceed 8,000 square feet of gross floor area.
(D) Manufactured homes. Structures designed as manufactured homes shall not be used as commercial structures unless they are located within manufactured home parks or manufactured home subdivisions.
(Ord. 17, 2006, passed 11-27-2006)